Darwish Agha

Abdullah Abdul-Rahman Hama Rashid Ismail, known as Darwish Agha, joined the Ranks of the Kurdistan Students Union in 1962, In 1963 he joined the Ranks of the Peshmerga forces, in 1973 he was the head of branch in the supporting branch of Khabat force, and in 1983 he joined the ranks of the Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Democratic Party for the second time.

Abdullah Abdul-Rahman Hama Rashid Ismail, known as Darwish Agha, joined the Ranks of the Kurdistan Students Union in 1962, In 1963 he joined the Ranks of the Peshmerga forces, in 1973 he was the head of branch in the supporting branch of Khabat force, and in 1983 he joined the ranks of the Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Democratic Party for the second time. In 1989, he was elected by the representatives of the Congress as a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (10th Congress), and in 2019 he was appointed as the head of the General Social Agency.


Abdullah Abdul-Rahman Hama Rashid Ismail, known as Darwish Agha, was born in Suleymaniyah in 1948, he completed his high school education in Suleymaniyah, from 1975 to 1976, after the fail of the September revolution, he went to Iran as a refugee. In 1976 he returned to southern Kurdistan and was removed by the Iraqi authorities to Nassriyah governorate in southern Iraq and he remained there until 1978, and in 1983 he returned to The Islamic Republic of Iran for the second time as a refugee, he remained there until 1991, in 1996 he went to Brittain as a refugee. In 1988 he returned to Southern Kurdistan. He knew Kurdish, Arabic and Persian languages.

Memoir of Struggle 

In 1962, he joined the ranks of Kurdish Student Union, in 1963 he joined the Ranks of the Peshmerga forces and served and served in the Sharbazher sector, in 1963 he participated in the battle on the Arabat-Sulaymaniyah street against the mobile forces of the Iraqi army, in 1964 he joined the ranks of the Kurdish Students Union. In 1968, he was the head of the branch in the Soorkew branch in the Eighth Battalion of the Khabat Forces of The Third Army. In 1968, he participated in the attack of the fighting position of the Iraqi army in the mud houses of Suleymaniyah. In 1971, after the March 11 agreement between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Baath Party, he was appointed as the assistant of the commander of the first Battalion of the Border Guard (Haras al Hudud).

In 1973, he was head of branch in the support branch of the Khabat Force, in 1973 he participated in abolishing the Arabization of Sheikh Babo village in Jalawla area in Diyala governorate, in 1974 he was the commander of the Barzinja Battalion of martyr liutenant Dilshadin Khabat force. In 1974 he participated in the battles of Dukan, Mahmud Khan, Helana Charkh, Gweja and Kani Saard In the vicinity of Suleymaniyah governorate against the Iraqi army, in 1974 in the Zerinjoy battle of Sharazur area in the vicinty of the former Sulaymaniyah governorate and currently in Halabja governorate, he was wounded by the Iraqi army. In 1974, he participated in a commanding course, in 1974 he was a commander of the Battalion in the Khabat Force, in 1982 he was imprisoned and tortured in Suleymaniyah by the intelligence and security agency of the Iraqi government.

In 1983, he joins the ranks of the Peshmarga forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party for the second time, in 1984, he became responsible for the Chwarta District committee of the fourth branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. In 1985, he participated in the Kanarwey battle in the vicinity of the Suleymaniyah governorate. In 1986 he participated in the battles of KuraKajawa, Badan, Arozar and Halwani in the vicinity of Suleymaniyah governorate. In 1987، he was appointed as the Administrator of the fourth branch committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party، in 1988 he participated in the epic battle of of Khwakurk in the vicinity of Erbil governorate against the ground forces of the Iraqi army. In 1989, he was elected by the representatives of the Congress as a member of the central committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (The Tenth Congress).

He was appointed as a member of the military committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party on The 13th of January 1990. In 1991 he was the commander of the Kurdistan Democratic Party force in the Kurdistan Front in the axis of Suleymaniyah – Kirkuk, in 1991 he participated in the liberation of Chamchamal, Qarahanjir، And Chiman، in 1991 he participated in the Chamchamal, Karahangir, Chiman, and Laylan. in 1991 he participated in the Chamchamal meeting of the Kurdistan front for liberating Kirkuk city, in the same year he participated in the battle of Khalid and Karahangir in the vicinity of Kirkuk govornorate against the Iraqi army, in 1991 he participated in the battles of Baziyan and Azmar in the vicinity of Suleymaniyah governorate against the Iraqi army force. In 1991 he participated in the second liberation of Suleymaniyah city, in 1991 he was the commander of the 4th army of Suleymaniyah of the Peshmerga force of The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Kurdistan.

In 1992-1993, he was the head of Rania axis in the vicinity of Suleymaniyah governorate, in 1992 he was appointed as the commander of the fourth Suleymaniyah Army, and in 1993 he was elected by the representatives of the Congress as a member of the central committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-United (the eleventh Congress - the Fourth Union). On Wednesday, October 6, 1993, at the Bashmakh border point in the border of Suleymaniyah governorate, the General commander of Sulaymaniyah army he received the coffing of the body of The President Mustafa Barzani (1903-1979) and Idris Barzani (1944-1987) from the Islamic Republic of Iran to their final destination of Barzan in Erbil governorate. In 1993, he was the general commander of the Suleymaniyah area in the Kurdistan United Army. At the beginning of the civil war in 1994 during the negotiations he was arrested and imprisoned and captivated with the officials of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

In 1995, he was the head of the Rawanduz axis of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Erbil governorate. In 1995, he was injured in the Penjwin battle in the vicinity of Suleymaniyah governorate by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. In 1999, he ran for the membership in central committee in the 12th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, but he was not successful, on 14 May 2000, he was the head of the General Social bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. On Thursday, September 14, 2000, he published an article in the Brayati (brotherhood) newspaper an organ of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. In 2010, he was the representative of the thirteenth Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. in 2011 he was appointed as a member of the leadership council of Sulaymaniyah governorate, on 16 August 2018 due to his struggle and endeavor in the September Revolution, the Gulan Revolution، the uprising phase in southern Kurdistan and the era of sovereignty, he was awarded the Barzani Medal by President Masoud Barzani, in 2019 he was appointed as the head of the General Social Agency.


  1.  لیستی ناوی به‌شداربووانی ده‌رنه‌چووی كۆنگره‌ی دوازده‌یه‌می پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ٧ تشرینی دووه‌می ٢٠١٨ز، ل ١.

  2. عبدالله‌ عباس، ئاوه‌ها ده‌رگام كرده‌وه‌، (به‌غدا ـ ده‌زگای ڕۆشنبیری و بڵاوكردنه‌وه‌ی كوردی ـ ٢٠٠١ز)، ل ١٧.

  3. حامید گه‌وهه‌ری، میدالیای بارزانی به‌رزترین خه‌ڵاتی ڕیزلێنان، كتێبی سێیه‌م،  (هه‌ولێر ـ ده‌زگای خێرخوازی بارزانی ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٣٠٦ ـ ٣٠٩.

  4. كۆنگره، ده‌رئه‌نجامه‌كانی هه‌ڵبژاردنی کۆمیتەی ناوەندیی پارتیمان ڕاده‌گه‌ینێت، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان ـ یه‌كگرتوو، ژماره‌ ١٧٢٩، هه‌ولێر، هه‌ینی، ٢٧ ئابی ١٩٩٣ز، ل ١.

  5. ئه‌مڕۆ ته‌رمی بارزانی نه‌مر و ئیدریسی جوانه‌مه‌رگ له‌ سلێمانیه‌وه‌ ده‌گه‌نه‌ هه‌ولێر، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان ـ یه‌كگرتوو، ژماره‌ ١٧٦٣، هه‌ولێر، پێنجشه‌مه‌، ٧ تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٣ز، ل ل ١ ـ ٢.

  6. ئـ. د. ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌97 AH-، لیستی ناوی ئه‌ندامانی كۆنگره‌ی سێزده‌یه‌می پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ١٣ تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ٢٠١٠ز، ڕوونووسی به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ له‌لایه‌ن شێرزاد ئه‌میر حه‌سه‌ن پێشكه‌ش كراوه، ل ٣٤.

  7. نجات حسن كریم، زانیارییه‌كی پتر له‌سه‌ر ئازاد كردنی كه‌ركوك، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره‌ ١٦٠٥، هه‌ولێر، یه‌كشه‌مه‌، ٢٨ ئاداری ١٩٩٣ز، ل ٦.

  8. به‌ ده‌بابه‌كانی دوژمن سه‌نگه‌ره‌كانمان شكاند، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان ـ یه‌كگرتوو، ژماره‌ ٢٨٠١، هه‌ولێر، یه‌كشه‌مه‌، ٢١ ئاداری ١٩٩٩ز، ل ٣.

  9. لیستی نوێنه‌رانی كۆنگره‌ی دوازده‌یه‌می پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ڕوونووسی ده‌ق له‌لایه‌ن شێرزاد ئه‌میر حه‌سه‌ن پێشكه‌ش كراوه‌، ل ١.

  10. ئـ.د.ئـ، فایلی ژماره 44ـFA، ده‌قی چاوپێكه‌وتن له‌گه‌ڵ عه‌بدوڵا عه‌بدولڕە‌حمان حه‌مه‌ ڕەشید ناسراو به‌ دەروێش ئاغا له‌لایه‌ن دڵنیا ڕە‌وه‌ند، هه‌ولێر، ٢ حوزه‌یرانی ٢٠١٧ز. ل ١ ـ ٧.

  11. ئـ.د.ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌38 AI-، ئه‌نجامی هه‌ڵبژاردنی ئه‌ندامانی سه‌ركردایه‌تی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان له‌ كۆنگره‌ی دوازده‌یه‌م، ٦ ـ ١٤ تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز، به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ له‌لایه‌ن نه‌زیره‌ مێرگه‌سۆری پێشكه‌ش كراوه‌، ل ٢.

  12. ئـ.د.ئـ، فایلی ژماره21 CH-، ده‌قی چاوپێكه‌وتن له‌گه‌ڵ عه‌بدوڵا عه‌بدولڕە‌حمان حه‌مه‌ ڕەشید ناسراو به‌ دەروێش ئاغا له‌لایه‌ن فوئاد ڕە‌وه‌ند، هه‌ولێر، ٥ ئایاری ٢٠١٤ز، ل ل ١ ـ ٣.

  13. ئـ.د.ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌ی فایلی‌ AH-90، لیستی ناوی ئه‌و كه‌سایه‌تییانه‌ی كه‌ له‌ ڕێكه‌وتی ١٦ ئابی ٢٠١٨ له‌لایه‌ن ڕێزدار سه‌رۆك مەسعود بارزانی مێدالیای بارزانی نه‌مریان پێبه‌خشراوه‌، به‌ڵگه‌ نامه‌ له‌لایه‌ن نه‌زیره‌ مێرگه‌سۆری پێشكه‌ش كراوه‌، ل ١.

  14. پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، سه‌رۆك، ژماره‌ ١٠، ١٣ كانونی دووه‌می ١٩٩٠ز، ل ٥.

  15. حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خه‌بات ـ ١٩٩٨م)، ص ١٨٤.

  16. ده‌روێش عه‌بدولڕە‌حمان، رۆڵی بارزانی و پارتی له‌ بونیاتنانی هزری شۆڕشگێڕیدا، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره‌ ٣١٨٢، هه‌ولێر، پێنجشه‌مه‌، ١٤ ئه‌یلولی ٢٠٠٠ز، ل ٧. 

  17. فازیل ڕه‌ئووف، به‌ره‌و خۆر، به‌رگی یه‌كه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی وه‌زاره‌تی ڕۆشنبیری ـ ٢٠٠١ز)، ل ١٥٦. 

  18. محه‌مه‌د مه‌لا قادر، خه‌باتنامه‌ كورته‌ مێژووی پارتی و كولتووری بارزانی نه‌مر، چاپی دووه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ ده‌زگای چاپ و بڵاوكردنه‌وه‌ی ئاراس ـ ٢٠٠٧ز)، ل ٩٦. 

  19. محه‌مه‌د عه‌لی ئیسماعیل، بیره‌وه‌رییه‌كانم حه‌فتا ساڵ ته‌مه‌ن و زیاتر له‌ نیو سه‌ده‌ خه‌بات، (بێ شوێن ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٢٦٦، ٣٤٨، ٣٧٢، ٤٢٩.

  20. میحوه‌ره‌كانی سه‌ربازیی پارتیمان له‌ سنووری سلێمانی به‌ره‌و شار و شارۆچكه‌كان له‌ ڕاپه‌ڕیندا، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان ـ یه‌كگرتوو، ژماره‌ ١٨٩١، هه‌ولێر، دووشه‌مه‌، ٧ ئاداری ١٩٩٤ز، ل ٣.

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