Kako Mullah Ali

Kako Mullah Ali Mergasuri was born in 1917 in the Mergasur district of Erbil province. He passed away on November 12, 2000, in Mergasur, where he was subsequently laid to rest.

In 1943, when Mullah Mustafa Barzani returned to Barzan from Sulaimani, Kako Mullah Ali Mergasuri joined the revolutionary forces and took up arms. Due to his exceptional skills and bravery, he was appointed as a leader. He actively participated in several significant battles, including the battle of Bestr village on the slopes of Mount Piran in the Mergasur district, the battle of Maidan Morik, and the battles of Ble, Barzan, and Mount Pirs in the Akre district.

On October 11, 1945, following the collapse of the Second Barzan Revolution, Kako Mullah Ali moved to East Kurdistan with his family. On March 31, 1946, he joined the Barzan forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Republic Army in Mahabad, contributing to the battles on the Saqz front, most notably the renowned battle of Qarawa in Saruchawa. However, on February 2, 1947, after the fall of the republic, he was severely wounded, sustaining a grave injury to his right leg and losing his left eye. Due to the severity of his wounds, he was unable to accompany Barzani and his comrades to the Soviet Union. Instead, he returned to South Kurdistan with Sheikh Ahmad Barzani and his family. His disability spared him from arrest by the Iraqi government.

After recovering from his injuries, Kako Mullah Ali relocated to the Bradost Mountain Range, where he lived in hiding until 1958. During this time, he relied on the support of local villagers, who provided him with food, while he took shelter in caves during the harsh winters. In 1958, following Barzani’s return to Iraq from the Soviet Union and the outbreak of the Aylul Revolution, Kako Mullah Ali rejoined the Peshmerga forces, alongside Hamademin Mirkhan Mergasuri. He played a crucial role in the battle of Zawita in the Badinan region and later participated in the battle of Marba in the Sheikhan area on February 7, 1962.

Subsequently, when Mullah Mustafa Barzani moved to the Soran region, Kako Mullah Ali followed with the forces, engaging in all the battles in the area. In 1962, he was slightly wounded in a battle in the Sidakan region, and in 1963, he suffered severe injuries during the battle of Keli Bni Bia. The extent of his injuries eventually forced him to retire from active Peshmerga service, confining him to his bed for 38 years, where his spouse and children cared for him.

In recognition of his unwavering dedication and sacrifices, Kako Mullah Ali was awarded the prestigious Barzani Medal by President Barzani on August 16, 1996, during the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).


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