The Mangesh Battle 1984

The battle took place in August 1984 when the Iraqi army and mercenaries attacked the Mangesh region to suppress the voice of the revolution in the region, but the Peshmerga forces resisted them and caused heavy damage to them the army’s casualties were a number of fighters killed and wounded

The Iraqi government was constantly engaged in military operations to impose its authority over all Kurdish cities, towns and villages, especially in areas where there were rumors of the presence of Peshmerga forces, as the Ba'ath regime had ended for several years one of the great Kurdish revolutions with an international plan on March 6th, 1975([1]). The government dreamed of never reviving the revolutionary line in Kurdistan. The Peshmerga forces that emerged in every corner of the region, the Ba'ath government formed forces and organized operations, and launched military campaigns against them in order to destroy them.

One of the military operations that the Iraqi army carried out to suppress the voice of the revolution with the support of mercenaries (jash) was the raid on the Mangesh region in northern Duhok([2]), which was a widespread attack on the vicinity of the Duhok’s regional Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) from August 1984 to bring an end to the Peshmerga forces and force them out of the area, but the Peshmarga countered the attack and prevented the advance of the large government forces after a heated battle the Peshmarga  was able to cause heavy casualties to the army and mercenaries in which a large number of mercenaries were killed and wounded and many of them were taken as prosoners, in the fighting between the villages of Galnaske and Alndke, a number of mercenaries were killed, Abdullah Zebari, brother of Latif Zebari was among the dead([3]).‌  ‌

Obviously, on one handsuch military operations by the Iraqi government against the areas where the revolutionary activities existed, had achieved the result of the resonance and continuation of the struggle and revolution, on the other hand, the government has not been able to achieve the goal that the government has been fighting for decades throughout successive regimes until the Ba'ath came to power, and all these wars and invasions caused great loss casualties for the Ba'ath government.


  2. مه‌سعود بارزانی: بارزانی و بزوتنه‌وه‌ی ڕزگاریخوازی كورد، به‌رگی چواره‌م، 1975-1990 شۆرشی گوڵان، به‌شی دووه‌م، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕوكسانا، 2021.
  3. وه‌لی زوبیر هۆستانی: چه‌ند داستان و ڕووداو و به‌سه‌رهاتێك له‌ شۆڕش و ڕاپه‌ڕینه‌كانی بارزاندا، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات، هه‌ولێر- 2017. 


[1] وه‌لی زوبیر هۆستانی: چه‌ند داستان و ڕووداو و به‌سه‌رهاتێك له‌ شۆرش و ڕاپه‌ڕینه‌كانی بارزاندا، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات، هه‌ولێر- 2017، ل130.


[3] مه‌سعود بارزانی: بارزانی و بزوتنه‌وه‌ی ڕزگاریخوازی كورد، به‌رگی چواره‌م، 1975-1990 شۆرشی گوڵان، به‌شی دووه‌م، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕوكسانا، 2021، ل62.

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