The Battle of Bakrman 1983

The battle consisted of the brave and tactical operations of the incredible Peshmerga Forces; it took place on the evening of 29th March 1983 in Sharmn and Bakrman areas when the courageous Peshmerga Forces attacked several positions of the mercenaries (Jash), and they managed to cause heavy damage to them within the two hours of the battle.

From the beginning, the hateful Iraqi regimes had resorted to the art of war where Kurds killed one another to counter the Kurdish Revolution. And it seems that the results benefited the Iraqi regime in terms of power and strengthening protection. The way they went about this was to arm the tribes to resist the Kurdish Revolution as a fighting force alongside the Iraqi Army ([1]). In addition, they sowed the seeds of division, hostility and the emergence of social problems between the tribes and classes of the society of Kurdistan. Of course, this resulted in damages for the Kurds and benefits for the Iraqi Government. Without doubt, this falls under the cruel framework of division and domination. Apparently, these armed men were organized in groups and (Fawji Khafifa) (Fawji Khafifa consisted of Kurds that worked for the Iraqi regime as soldiers). And they were called the Cavalry of Salahaddin by the Iraqi Government ([2]). However, they were known as (Jash) ([3]) by the Revolution and the Peshmerga because they served loyally alongside the government military forces of the malicious Iraqi regimes that came one after the other. Therefore, the heroic Peshmerga Forces would confront them and counter their attacks.

One of the operations that the fearless Peshmerga forces carried out to counter the position of the mercenaries (jash) was the Battle of Bakrman which was one of the tactical and valiant operations of the Peshmerga forces; it took place on the evening of 29th March 1983 in Sharman and Bakrman areas. A Peshmerga Force belonging to the committee of Amedi, Akre, Sheikhan and a force under the leadership attacked several positions of mercenaries (jash). The attack lasted two hours during which the gallant Peshmerga Forces were able to hit the target as they had planned which resulted in heavy damage to the mercenaries. On the Revolutionary Force one stouthearted Peshmerga named Shaban Ghaffar Bedohi and four other Peshmergas were martyred ([4]).


  1. مه‌سعود بارزانی: بارزانی و بزوتنه‌وه‌ی ڕزگاریخوازی كورد، به‌رگی چواره‌م، 1975-1990 شۆڕشی گوڵان، به‌شی دووه‌م، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕوكسانا، 2021.
  2. هۆژین مه‌سعود سه‌رنی: شۆره‌شا ئیلۆنێ ل ده‌ڤه‌را به‌هدینان 1961- 1975، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، 2018.
  3. مهند علی فرحان الجبوری: عشائر بارزان و دورها فی العراق(1903-11958)، الطبعة الاولی المطبعة دانشفه‌ڕ- 2023.
  4. حاجی میرخان دۆڵه‌مه‌ری: گه‌ڕان به‌دای دادپه‌روه‌ریدا، چاپی دووه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی اسرا، - تاران، 2021.

[1] مهند علی فرحان الجبوری: عشائر بارزان و دورها فی العراق(1903-11958)، الطبعة الاولی المطبعة دانشفه‌ڕ- 2023، ص300.

[2]هۆژین مه‌سعود سه‌رنی: شۆره‌شا ئیلۆنێ ل ده‌ڤه‌را به‌هدینان 1961- 1975 ، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، 2018. ل189.

[3] حاجی میرخان دۆڵه‌مه‌ری: گه‌ڕان به‌دای دادپه‌روه‌ریدا، چاپی دووه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی اسرا، - تاران، 2021، ل327.

[4] مه‌سعود بارزانی: بارزانی و بزوتنه‌وه‌ی ڕزگاریخوازی كورد، به‌رگی چواره‌م، 1975-1990 شۆرشی گوڵان، به‌شی دووه‌م، چاپی یه‌كه‌م، چاپخانه‌ی ڕوكسانا، 2021، ل60.

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