Mustafa Goroni

Mustafa Abdullah Hamad Ahmad, also known as Mustafa Goroni, enlisted in the Peshmerga forces during the September Revolution in 1965 and served in Barzani's headquarters.

In 1979, he became a member of the 9th Congress. Born on July 1, 1952, in Goroni village of Chomani district in Erbil province, Commander Mustafa Abdullah Hamad Ahmad did not have the opportunity to attend school due to the absence of educational facilities in his village. As a result, he possesses limited literacy skills.

Following the collapse of the September Revolution in 1975, he sought refuge in Iran. However, he returned to South Kurdistan in 1977, only to be displaced to Iran again in 1979. It wasn't until 1991 that he permanently resettled in Soran, South Kurdistan. He is fluent in Kurdish and Persian languages. Initially joining the Peshmerga forces of the September Revolution in 1965 as a guard in Barzani's headquarters, he resumed his service with the Peshmerga forces during the May Revolution in 1976. In the same year, he engaged in various guerrilla activities, including an attack on a military jeep near Rayat village close to Gulingan mine and an assault on an Iraqi military base near Naprdan village. In 1977, he and his comrades set an ambush for Iraqi army soldiers near the dome of Galala Town in Choman district. In August 1977, they found themselves surrounded by the Iraqi army in the Dolani Chawar area but managed to escape. In 1979, he assumed the position of a member in the Balak Regional Committee of the Military Department. In 1980, they laid an ambush on an Iraqi army convoy in Zarwa village near Barzewa village, resulting in the deaths of several soldiers. In 1983, he was promoted to the rank of chief. However, in 1986, he sustained severe injuries in the Balayan Valley of Choman district. In 1991, he returned to the region of South Kurdistan and actively participated in the uprising, bravely defending the Dastan of Korê against the occupation by the Iraqi army. Throughout 1996, he valiantly engaged in all the conflicts that were imposed upon the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). In 2014, he assumed a commanding role in the fight against ISIS terrorists. Unfortunately, during the same year, he sustained severe injuries on the Goer front. In 2016, he once again suffered serious wounds during an attack by ISIS terrorists on the Bashiqa front. Presently, he holds the rank of first lieutenant within the Ministry of Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Regional Government.


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