Joint Conference of Kurdistan Students Union and Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union, Khnera Village - 1986

In 1986, Both the Kurdistan Students Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union due to the unfavorable situation in South Kurdistan and the closeness of the professional struggle of the two organizations. They decided to hold a joint conference for a while.

Reasons for holding the conference:

The peaceful situation in South Kurdistan, as agreed on March 11, 1970, did not last long. In 1974, war broke out again between the two sides. This situation certainly had a great impact on the work of the groups and mass organizations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), especially the Kurdistan Students Union, as its organizations and activities covered most parts of Iraq.

After the seventh congress of the Kurdistan Students Union, due to the unfavorable situation, as it was decided to hold the annual congress, the goal could not be achieved. This situation became more complicated after the Algiers Agreement of March 6, 1975 and the collapse of the September National Revolution, as local party organizations in southern Kurdistan were completely disrupted and large numbers of Iraqi Kurds fled to neighboring countries, especially Iran.

Despite the Algiers Agreement and the collapse of the revolution, efforts to revive the Kurdistan Students Union did not stop. On December 16, 1975, the first secret organization of the Kurdistan Students Union was re-established by the leader Mullah Hussein Avdel in Zakho. This secret organization was able to develop its activities and become a platform to convey the voice of the revolution to the people of South Kurdistan. This secret organization ended1 after the exposure and execution of the leader Mullah Ismail on April 23, 1976.

The activities of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) were very limited due to the strict surveillance imposed on the refugees in Iran until the fall of the monarchy in 1979 and the Islamic Republic of Iran took its place. This change in Iranian rule gave the refugees some freedom of work. The student union organizations resumed their activities, on May 17, 1979, under the name of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) held a meeting in Karaj, Iran. At the meeting, a new secretariat was formed for the Iranian organization of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU). It consisted of: Burhan Dzeyi, Helmet Ali Abdullah, Saifeddin Rashid Sindi, Taha Abdulrahman Barwari and Haji Abdulrahman Darwish2.

After this extensive meeting, in 1979, the Iranian Organization of the Kurdistan Students Union published the magazines “Dengi Qutabiyan” in Kurdish and “Saday Danesh Amouz” in Persian3.

This meeting paved the way for the 1981 Kurdistan Students Union Conference. The conference was held in Karaj with the presence of 67 members and the refugee branch of the Kurdistan Students Union was established. Publication of (Dangi Qutabian) organ of the Iranian organization of the Kurdistan Students Union was appointed as the organ of the refugee (Awara) fourth branch. The branch officers and administrators were elected by voting, including:

1- Haji Abdulrahman Darwish - Head of Branch

2- Taha Abdulrahman Barwari - Branch Administrator

3- Zanoon Younis Rojbayani - Branch Administrator

4- Haji Ramazan Akrey- Administrator of Branch.


After the establishment of the refugee branch of the Kurdistan Students Union, its organizations expanded and became very active. The branch held6 its second conference in 1982 and its third conference in 1983.

After this conference, until 1986, the situation of the Kurdistan Students Union organizations did not change much.

Although the organizations of the refugee branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union and even the branches in Erbil, Sulaimaniyah and Kirkuk were actively working after 1983 and played an influential role with the organizations of the Kurdistan Students Union. Because of this and because of the closeness of their struggle to each other in 1986, the party leadership and the secretariat of the two organizations decided7 to merge and hold a joint conference.

Conference Proceedings:

From August 28 to 30, 1986, in the village of Khnera, Erbil province, under the slogan (Towards unity to overthrow the regime and end the war so that we can study in peace and democracy), the joint conference of the Kurdistan Students Union and Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union began with the presence of 77 delegates. The purpose of this conference was to unite the Kurdistan Students Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union in one organization

At the beginning, the speech of the Supervisory Committee of the Conference was read out, followed by the message of President Massoud Barzani, the speech of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the letter of the Kurdistan Nations Liberators (Kuk) and the Liberation Secretariat.

In this conference, a 15-member committee was elected to the executive committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Students and Youth Union as follows:

1- Christoph Yalda Torkhan, known as Rebwar Yalda, Secretary.

2- Kurdistan Pirdawd Qadir

3- Haji Abdulrahman

4- Ibrahim Mustafa

5- Abdullah Khalo Ali

6- Ismail Ibrahim Fatah, known as Samko Amedi

7- Faryad Shafi Mohammed, known as Faryad Barzani

8- Tayyar Salim

9- Ahmad Mullah Qasim

10- Adel Ali

11- Azad Fayeq Ghafoor, Dzhwar Fayeq

12- Nawzad Mohammed Najib

13- Rafat Saeed MohammedAmin

14- Ihsan Abdullah Qasim known as Ihsan Amedi

15- Rzgar Kamaki, known as Rzgar Kurdistani10.

Reserve members of the Executive Committee

1- Ahmed Dzgri

2- Nabi Ahmad

3- Hassan Mohammed Hassan, also known as Hassan Shabiba11.

In the first meeting of the Executive Committee held on September 20, 1986 at the headquarters of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in the presence of Comrades Idris Barzani and Fazel Mirani, members of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Kurdistan Democratic Students and Youth Union were elected as follows:

1- Rebwar Yalda - Secretary.


2- Haji Abdulrahman - Member of the Secretariat Bureau.


3- Ibrahim Mustafa Mohammed - Member of the Secretariat Bureau.


4- Faryad Barzani - Member of the Secretariat Bureau.


5- Abdullah Khalo - Member of the Secretariat Bureau.

The heads of the branches were appointed as follows among the members of the executive committee:


1- Adel Ali - Head of Erbil Branch.


2- Dzhwar Fayeq - Head of Kirkuk Branch.


3- Nawzad Mohammed Najib - Head of Sulaimani Branch.


4- Rafat Saeed MohammedAmin - Head of Aware Branch.


5- Samko Amedi - Head of Duhok-Ninawa Branch


The conference issued a number of decisions including:

Publishing of the magazine (Peshkawtin), the first issue of the magazine was published in December 1987 in 16 pages. The last issue of the mountain struggle phase, number 22, was published in November 1990 13. Paving the way for the merger of the Kurdistan Students Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union. Broadcasting articles and activities on Voice of Kurdistan Radio. Supporting the May Revolution and the Jude Front and opposing the policy of Arabization in South Kurdistan14.

One of the most important political activities of this period was the issuance of a statement of support by International Union of Students (I.U.S) for the Kurdish cause and the Kurdistan Students Union and Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union at the Havana Congress in 1987. The union was active in 127 countries and regions. In July 1989, they also attended the Pyongyang Declaration organized by the World Students and Youth Union15.

In the field of education, for the first time in Kurdish history, they were responsible for establishing schools and providing teachers and teaching materials in the liberated areas of Kurdistan16.


1.kdp Encyclopedia Archive.


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