Huso Kanialinji

Commander Huso Mahmoud Babakr, also known as Huso Kanialinji, was a Peshmerga of the Aylul and Gulan Revolutions and the Uprising. In 1959 he joined the Peshmerga forces. Also, he is the bearer of the Immortal Barzani Medal.

Husso Mahmoud Babakr was born in 1937 in Kanialinj village of Mergasuri district of Erbil Province. He fled to Iran in 1975 following the fall of the Aylul Revolution, settling in Lorestan and Zewa. After the 1991 Kurdish uprising, he returned to Kurdistan. He spoke Kurdish and Persian fluently. 

In 1959 he joined the Peshmerga forces and became a Peshmerga under Ahmad Maste. Additionally, he attained multiple ranks within the Peshmerga military. For example, in 1961, he became the deputy head of the branch, and in 1970, he became the head of the right-wing branch of Dr. Saeed Ahmad Nader. Then in 1979, he became the deputy of Quwat Barzan. After that, in 1988, he became the head of the Peshmerga forces of Shirin Organization. In 1991, he became the head of Sihrin Organization.

He was trained to use a 30mm machine gun and engaged in several battles with the Iraqi army in 1974. He was wounded three times; in 1963 in the battle of Chama near Sherwan Mazen district, in 1974 in the battle of Mamarut in Choman district and in 1995 in the battle of Rwandz.

He participated in four congresses of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP): the 9th Congress in 1979, the 10th Congress in 1989 in East Kurdistan, the 12th Congress in 1999 and the 13th Congress in 2010 in Erbil. Furthermore, he was awarded the Immortal Barzani Medal by President Massoud Barzani at the 13th Congress.


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