Haji Rasul Hussein

Rasul Hussein, also known as Haji Aghay Kosratan, was born in 1901 in the village of Mergay, located in the Choman district of Erbil province. He played a pivotal role in the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad. Following the republic's collapse, he relocated to Zewka village in the Piranshahr region of Eastern Kurdistan, where he resided with relatives until Barzani's return from the Soviet Union to Iraq. Hussein actively participated in several battles against the Iraqi regime...

Rasul Hussein, also known as Haji Aghay Kosratan, was born in 1901 in the village of Mergay, located in the Choman district of Erbil province. He played a pivotal role in the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad. Following the republic's collapse, he relocated to Zewka village in the Piranshahr region of Eastern Kurdistan, where he resided with relatives until Barzani's return from the Soviet Union to Iraq. Hussein actively participated in several battles against the Iraqi regime, including the Battle of the Sufis under Sheikh Rashid Lolani.

Following Barzani’s movement from Badinan to Soran, Haji Rasul played a key role as a Peshmerga in the attack on Rayat Castle on July 11, 1962, capturing all personnel inside. He went on to participate in significant battles, including those at Bani Harir, Bnkelan Bridge, and Kospi Spi on the Hamilton Road. He served on the Balakayety border and as a guard for the political bureau in Nawprdan village until 1975.


After the collapse of the Aylul Revolution in 1975, Rasul relocated to Kosratan village, where he lived until 1977. That year, the Iraqi government resettled his family to the Bastora community in Erbil. His son, Ibrahim Haji, was martyred in 1979 in Kosratan village, Choman. Following the deaths of his son and three other sons and relatives on April 12, 1979, Rasul moved to East Kurdistan via Shine and Qasmarash. There, he rejoined the interim leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and, along with his remaining family members, enlisted in the Peshmerga forces of the Gullan Revolution, serving as part of a mobile detachment in the Balakayety region.


Rasul returned to South Kurdistan in 1991 and took part in the Kurdistan People's Uprising in the Khoshnawti region. He continued his service as a Peshmerga until the age of 85. In 1992, he went back to Kosratan village in the Choman district, where he remained until his death. On August 16, 1996, he was awarded the Barzani Medal by President Barzani for his services to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). He passed away on July 12, 2002.


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