Aziz Mohammed

Aziz Mohammed Abdullah was born on July 1, 1924, in the village of Berkot near Erbil. His father was a humble Kurdish farmer, while his mother, originally from North Kurdistan, was the daughter of a mullah from the Wan and Bash Qalawa regions.

Comrade Aziz Mohammed moved to Erbil with his mother at a young age. He initially learned to read the Qur'an at Abu Bakr Mosque and studied jurisprudence in Pirzin, Shaweis, and Bahrka, though he eventually ceased his studies in this field.

His mother enrolled him in school, and due to his intelligence, he was placed directly into the third grade of primary school. After completing his primary education, he considered furthering his studies at the Industrial Institute or the Teacher Training Institute. However, his ambitions were thwarted when he was unable to falsify his age by two years, a task he found challenging despite its simplicity. After leaving school, he remained unemployed for a while, then, with the help of several friends, he was employed in the Food and Local Distribution Office, where he worked for three years.

In the spring of 1948, he joined the Communist Party. His political activities began in 1940-1941, during which he was encouraged to enter political life by a group of young individuals, including the renowned Kurdish educator Ezadin Faizi. Simultaneously, he joined the Hiwa Society and became a member in May 1941. In 1942, he also became a member of the People's Association, which published a newspaper called Blesa, they also considered themselves Marxists.

In the winter of 1945, he became a member of the Iraqi Communist Party following its first congress. He was imprisoned on October 13, 1948, and remained incarcerated for 10 years, until August 1958.

During his imprisonment, he learned Arabic by reading a wide range of literary and political books, including numerous masterpieces of Russian, English, and German literature. He also delved into the works of Arab writers, such as Taha Hussein and Najib Mahfouz, among others.

From 1964 to 1993, Aziz Mohammed served as the Secretary General of the Iraqi Communist Party, providing significant contributions to the causes of Iraq and the broader region.

Aziz Mohammed was awarded the Lenin Medal by the Soviet Communist Party in 1986. Moreover, In 2007, he received the Star of Growth of Asia and Africa from Russia, becoming the second recipient of the medal after Nelson Mandela.

On June 10, 2015, Aziz Mohammed was honored with the Barzani Medal by President Masoud Barzani in a distinguished ceremony held in Pirmam. This recognition celebrated his significant contributions and legacy. Aziz Mohammed passed away peacefully at his home on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, leaving behind a profound impact on both the political landscape and his community.


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