Abdulrahman Muhammad Abdulrahman

Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman, widely known as Abdulrahman Hurayi, was born in 1930 in the village of Huray, located in the Rekani area of Duhok province. He received his education up to the fifth grade of primary school. In 1961, when the Aylul Revolution erupted under the leadership of the late Barzani, Abdulrahman Hurayi eagerly joined the revolutionary ranks...

Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman, widely known as Abdulrahman Hurayi, was born in 1930 in the village of Huray, located in the Rekani area of Duhok province. He received his education up to the fifth grade of primary school. In 1961, when the Aylul Revolution erupted under the leadership of the late Barzani, Abdulrahman Hurayi eagerly joined the revolutionary ranks.At the outset of the revolution, he crossed into the Rekan region, where he took part in the battle of Chamanke. By 1963, his leadership abilities were recognized, and he was appointed as a party leader, operating between Mosul and Duhok. During this time, he worked under the guidance of his superiors, first Asad Khoshaw and later Najmaddin Yousfi, further solidifying his role in the Kurdish struggle for freedom.


In 1963, Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman, also known as Abdulrahman Hurayi, advanced to the role of a cadre within the Amedi Regional Committee, where he oversaw the organizations in the Rekan, Doski, and Nerway regions. Demonstrating his commitment to the Kurdish cause, he participated in the seventh congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) held in Ghala in 1966. After the congress, he returned to his area of responsibility, continuing his work until 1970.

In 1974, when the Iraqi government reneged on the March 11, 1970 agreement and resumed hostilities against the Kurdish people and their revolution, Abdulrahman Mohammed was appointed as a political and military cadre for the Sheladze Regional Committee. Despite the collapse of the Aylul Revolution in 1975, he remained steadfast in the Sheladze region. Before the onset of the Gullan Revolution, he rejoined the ranks of the Peshmergas, conducting guerrilla activities along the border between North and South Kurdistan.

In 1988, following the brutal Anfal campaign carried out by the Iraqi regime against Kurdish civilians, Abdulrahman Mohammed was forced to relocate to East Kurdistan, crossing through the border of North Kurdistan. In 1991, as the Kurdish people prepared for their uprising, he returned to South Kurdistan and played an active role in the Duhok uprising.

In recognition of his lifelong dedication and service, Abdulrahman Hurayi was honored with the Barzani Medal by President Massoud Barzani on August 16, 1996, during the Golden Jubilee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). His contributions to the Kurdish struggle have left an enduring legacy.


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