12th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party

12th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Kurdistan Democratic Party – October 6, 1999) was held in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, after the 1998 Washington Peace Agreement and the end of the civil war between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

Conditions and preparations

On October 6, 1993, the bodies of the immortal mytres of President Mustafa Barzani and Idris Barzani were returned to South Kurdistan from Iran. In May 1994, a four-year civil war broke out between the Kurdistan Democratic Party KPD and PUK, resulting in the two-sided statehood of the Kurdistan Region. The civil war was terminated on September 17, 1998, following an agreement with Washington. During this period, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was formed by the KDP and several other political parties in Erbil. During this period, a large number of refugees from Iran returned to South Kurdistan.

Six years after the Eleventh Congress, the Central Committee of KDP decided to hold the Twelfth Congress on March 13, 1999. For this purpose, on April 14, 1999, in another Central Committee meeting, PDK Political Bureau was instructed to form a High Preparatory Committee for the congress. In May 1999, the Political Bureau formed a high committee for the preparation of the congress who were Falakeddin Kakeyi-Chairman of the Committee; Mohammed Saleh Juma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Sheikhallah Ibrahim, Tamar Ramazan, Najmaddin Yu Safi and Hassan.

After its formation, the High Preparatory Committee of the Congress conducted the election of delegates to the Congress, which lasted forty-one days, from June 4, 1999 to July 15, 1999, 180,000. KDP voters participated in the elections and elected the congress representatives in 96 constituencies and 226 polling stations.

Holding a Congress

On Wednesday, October 6, 1999, the 12th Congress of KDP was held in the Zard Hall in Erbil under the slogan "Peace, Freedom, Democracy" in the presence of 1473 delegates, 8% of whom were women. Masoud Barzani was re-elected as the president of KDP for the fourth time and Ali Abdullah Amin was re-elected as the vice-president on the proposal of the president. Once again, the name of the KDP was changed from "Kurdistan Democratic Party - United" to "Kurdistan Democratic Party" as of the 10th Congress. A number of decisions were made, the most important of which was to make changes in the party and military institutions. The Central Committee number of the members were changed from 37 members to 31 active members and nine reserve members. The Political Bureau was elected by secret ballot from nine members.

The structure of KDP, based on the internal rules of the 12th Congress, included: cell, main cell, organization committee, regional committee, branch committee, central committee, political bureau, secretary of the political bureau, vice president and president. The Central Committee for Inspection and Monitoring was appointed by the Central Committee and supervised by a member of the Political Bureau.

Members of the Central Committee:

1- Nechirvan Barzani

2- Masrour Barzani

3- Fazel Mirani

4- Dr. Roj Nuri Shaweis

5- Hoshyar Zebari

6- Sami Abdulrahman

7- Azad Barwari

8- Jawhar Namiq Salim

9- Zaim Ali

10- Shawkat Sheikh Yazdin

11- Mohammed Mullah Qadir

12- Dr. Kamal Kirkuki

13- Dr. Jarjis Hassan

14- Karim Sinjari

15- Nuri Ali Mohammed Rahman, known as Nuri Hama Ali

16- Arif Taifur

17- Saad Abdullah

18- Francois Hariri

19- Faraidoon Mohammed Abdulrahman, known as Faraidoon Jawanroyi

20- Salah Delo

21- Ramzi Shaaban

22- Omar Botani

23- Shirin Amedi

24- Jamal Osman Karasul, known as Jamal Murtka

25- Sarbaz Nader Ali, known as Sarbaz Hawrami

26- Omar Osman Mergasuri

27- Brusk Nuri Shaweis.

28- Safin Mohsin Hamad Amin, known as Safin Dzeyi

29- Qadir Qadir Ali

30- Ezeddin Barwari

31- Younis Rojbayani.

Reserve Members of the Central Committee:

1- Abdulaziz Tayeb

2- Mahmoud Mohammed

3- Massoud Salahi

4- Abdulmuhaimin Barzani

5- Jafar Ibrahim Haji, also known as Jafar Emini

6- Abdullah Agreen

7- Diyari Hussein

8- Qadir Jabari

9- Dr. Hassan Mohammed Soor.

On the last day of the congress, for the third time in the history of KDP, President Masoud Barzani awarded the Immortal Bazani Medal to thirty-seven leaders, commanders and comrades of Barzani.

In the first meeting of the Central Committee, the Political Bureau Committee was elected as follows:

1- Nechirvan Barzani

2- Masrour Barzani

3- Hoshyar Zebari

4- Jawhar Namiq Salim

5- Fazel Mirani

6- Sami Abdulrahman

7- Azad Barwari

8- Dr. Roj Nuri Shaweis

9- Zaim Ali.




• مێژووی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، كۆنگره‌ و كۆنفرانس (پرۆگرام و په‌یڕه‌وی ناوخۆ)، ده‌سته‌ی ئینسكلۆپیدیای پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، به‌رگی دووەم، (هه‌ولێر- چاپخانه‌ی رۆكسانا- ٢٠٢١).

• محه‌مه‌د مه‌لا قادر، خه‌باتنامه‌، كورته‌ مێژووی پارتی و بارزانی نه‌مر، چاپی سێیه‌م، (هه‌ولێر- چاپخانه‌ی ئاراس- ٢٠١٢).

• امس أختتام الأنتخابات المحلیة للمؤتمر (١٢)، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٣٢، أربیل، الجمعة، ٩ تموز ١٩٩٩م.

• سه‌ركه‌وتوو بێت دوازده‌مین کۆنگرەی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره‌ ٢٩٣٩، هه‌ولێر، چوارشه‌مه‌، ٦ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز.

• به‌ڕێز مه‌سعود بارزانی به‌ تێكڕای ده‌نگ به‌ سه‌رۆكی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان هه‌ڵبژێردرایه‌وه‌، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره‌ ٢٩٤٧، هه‌ولێر، پێنجشه‌مه‌، ١٤ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز.

• اعادة انتخاب الأخ مسعود البارزاني رئیسا للحزب والأخ علي عبدالله‌ نائبا للرئیس، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٤٦، اربیل، الجمعة، ١٥ تشرین الأول ١٩٩٩م.

• شه‌عبان عه‌لی شه‌عبان، هه‌ندێك زانیاری سیاسی و مێژوویی، چاپی سێیه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات ـ ٢٠١٣ز).

• پرۆگرام و په‌یڕه‌وی ناوخۆی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، له‌ کۆنگرەی دوازده‌هه‌می پارتی كه‌له‌ ٦-١٤/١٠/١٩٩ دا به‌سترا بڕیاری له‌سه‌ر دراوه‌، (هه‌ولێر – چاپخانه‌ی رۆژهه‌ڵات).

• انتخاب لجنة مركزیة جدیدة مؤلفة من ٣١ عضوا و ٩ اعضاء أحتیاط، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٤٦، اربیل، الجمعة، ١٥ تشرین الأول ١٩٩٩م.

• کۆنگرەی ١٢ی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان كۆمیته‌ی ناوه‌ندی نویی هه‌ڵبژارد، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره‌ ٢٩٤٨، هه‌ولێر، یه‌كشه‌مه‌، ١٧ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز.

• له‌ کۆنگرەی (١٢)ی (پ.د.ك)دا، ڕۆژنامه‌ی ئێواره‌ گوڵان ، ده‌زگای ڕۆشنبیری و ڕاگه‌یاندنی گوڵان، ژماره‌ ٤٨٧، هه‌ولێر، شه‌مه‌، ١٦ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز، ل ١؛ انتخاب لجنة مركزیة جدیدة مؤلفة من ٣١ عضوا و٩ أعضاء أحتیاط، المصدر السابق.

• توزیع أوسمة البارزاني، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٤٦، أربیل، الجمعة، ١٥ تشرین الأول ١٩٩٩م.

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