11th Congress of Kurdistan Students Union Duhok - 2004

The 11th Congress of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) was held in Duhok for the first time in 2004 after the liberation of Iraq in 2003 by the allied countries.

Pre-Congress Conditions:

In 2003, Iraq experienced a major political upheaval, after the invasion of the Allies, the dictatorial system in Iraq collapsed and replaced the federal democratic power that the Iraqi people had been struggling for decades. The Kurdistan Region and the Kurdish people in particular played a major role in these changes in Iraq and had the right to be the first beneficiaries of these changes, by enshrining all their national rights in the new Iraqi constitution. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Kurdish political leadership and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the constitutional rights of the Kurdish people are enshrined in the new Iraqi constitution and the Kurdistan Region moved from a closed and besieged region to a democratic federal region open to the world and later became a safe haven for all democrats not only in Iraq, but in the entire region.

The rapid changes after the independence of Iraq encouraged all political and mass organizations to take on a new cover and move quickly with the changes, including the Kurdistan Democratic Party and its mass organizations. Immediately after the liberation of Iraq, ie after the spring of 2003, the Kurdistan Students Union quickly opened its headquarters in most Iraqi cities, especially in Baghdad and the Article 140 border areas, and prepared for a new congress. After the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Students Union, it was decided to hold the eleventh congress of the organization as soon as possible and for this purpose the preparatory committee was formed. After all the preparations and the success of the congress members, it was decided to hold the congress for the first time in Duhok1.

Conducting the Congress:

The congress began its work2 between July 30 and August 4, 2004, in the hall of the College of Agriculture of Duhok University, with the presence of 386 representatives from all organizations, under the slogan (Science, Freedom, Development). The congress began with the presence of Ali Sinjar, the representative of President Barzani, Rebwar Yalda, the head of the central bureau of the professional organizations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and for the first time, representatives of Baghdad and Khanaqin attended the congress3.

On the first day of the congress, several committees were formed and then the new staff of the executive committee was elected by voting, which consisted of:

1- Sarhang Zahir


2- Hoshmand Rafat


3- Sidqi Mahmoud


4- Zerevan Hussein


5- Dilshad Shaban


6- Anas Ayub


7- Muaz Abdullah


8- Mushier Mohammed


9- Karzan Sadraddin


10- Emad Ali


11- Rahel Hassan Sabri


12- Hemn Bajalan


13- Jaafar


14- Tahir Mohammed Ahmad


15- Sirwa Salih Mustafa


16- Kawa Rasul Mohammed4.

After the election of the members of the Executive Committee, the preparation and approval of the reports of the committees, on August 1, the election for the appointment of the secretary and members of the secretariat began and as a result the new secretariat was elected as follows:

1- Baravan Hamdi - Secretary


2- Lawand Osman - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


3- Kurdo Ihsan - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


4- Arian Salahuddin Asad - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


5- Renas Jano Mohammed known as Renas Bamerni - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


6- Navsar Nuri - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


7- Fakhruddin Mahdi Jarjis - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


8- Sherwan Hito - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


9- Awat Karokh - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


10- Hemn Rashid Zaydan, also known as Hemn Bajalan, member of the Secretariat Bureau


11- Mardan Khidr - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


12- Khamlan Mohammed Salih - Member of the Secretariat Bureau


13- Sangar Kanabi Hama Salih, known as Sangar Kanabi Gawra, member of the Secretariat Bureau


14- Yasin Salih - Reserve Member of the Secretariat Bureau5.

The Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) consisted of 16 branches: Erbil. Salahaddin University. University of Soran. University of Duhok. Mosul, Akre Branch, Zakho, Kirkuk University, Garmian University, Sulaimaniyah, Sulaimaniyah University, Halabja, Raperin, Soran, Kirkuk and Baghdad Branch6.


1.kdp Encyclopedia Archive.


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