Second Conference of Kurdistan Students Union- Kani Masi - Sulaimani - 1964

The second conference of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) was held in early August 1964 in Kani Masi area near Sulaimaniyah after the failure of the elected leadership of the fourth congress of the organization to fulfill its duties.

Reasons for holding a conference

According to the division of the stages of organizational work (KSU), 1964 is considered to be the resumption of the secret work of the organization that began in 1961, the organization from that year to 1970, faced a more uneven situation called the stage of shaking. At this stage, two directions of the organization under the same name (Kurdistan Students Union) in educational institutions were trying to attract students to their ranks, for this purpose they were in unhealthy competition1.

Before discussing any stage of the work of the Kurdistan Students Union, it is necessary to take a look at the situation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) at that stage, in order to clarify the events in the organization. Especially since the Students Union was one of the most important and influential organs and pillars of the party and internal and external events of the party had a direct impact on the organization.

After the February 10, 1964 agreement between the revolution and the government, in the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) their purpose was to protest against the agreement by separating Sulaymaniyah from the KDP and the revolution. They separated from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and were named “Jalali” in contemporary Kurdish history2.


Although the attempts at this secession date back to late 1963, however, in 1964 and after February, it openly appeared on the party. The fourth congress of the Kurdistan Students Union (KSU) is a clear reflection of this split in the party, as this group of the Political Bureau tried to establish a secretariat from themselves for the organization without inviting the Bahdinan members. Therefore, most of the members of the Secretariat of the Students Union were elected in Sulaimani.

On June 8, 1964, this Secretariat issued a statement against President Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) entitled “Our Position towards Mullah Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party”. This statement was responded to on August 19, 1964 by the Preparatory Committee of the Kurdistan Students Union in Sulaimani, which reaffirmed their support for President Mustafa Barzani, the revolution and the Kurdistan Democratic Party5.

Proceedings and decisions of the conference

Since the separatist group of the Political Bureau formed a minority of the party, the leadership of the Students Union, which was completely devoted to the interests of the group, did not have the ability and authority to run the affairs of the organization. Therefore, it was decided to hold the conference of the organization as soon as possible6.

As a result of the dissatisfaction of the organizing centers of the Kurdistan Students Union with the authoritarian performance of the secretariat of the fourth congress and the marginalization of students from Badinan region in the fourth congress, especially since the leadership represented part of Sulaimani province. Therefore, in early August 1964, six months after the fourth congress, the student representatives held their second conference openly in the liberated areas of Sulaimani province in the village of Kani Masi. A new leadership committee was elected at the conference to pave the way for the fifth congress.

The new secretariat, also called the preparatory committee, were elected as follows:


1- Bakr Hussein- Sulaimaniyah Organization


2- Jalal Hama Ali- Sulaimaniyah Organization


3- Adnan Haji Musa - Baghdad Organization


4- Hawez Dzeyi. Baghdad Organization


5- AbdulWahab Talabani - Kirkuk Organization


6- Jawad Mohammed Sherwani- Erbil Organization


7- Abdulkarim Fandi- Duhok Organization


Thus, all organizations, unlike the leadership of the Fourth Congress, had representatives in this leadership.


1.kdp Encyclopedia Archive.


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