Amina Mohammed Saeed

Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi was born in 1930 in the village of Berokh, located in the Rubarok district of Hakkari province, North Kurdistan. Following the First Barzan Revolution in 1932, she and her family were compelled to flee to South Kurdistan, subsequently settling in Khalona village within the Sherwan Mazni district of Erbil province. Her husband, Naji Beg Sheikh Omar, later joined the Aylul Revolution and became a Peshmerga within the forces led by his brother, Haji Berokhi.

Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi actively supported the Peshmerga alongside her husband in Sherwan Mazni, dedicating herself to preparing bread and food for them. Despite the ongoing conflicts, she remained steadfast in her service to the Peshmerga. Tragically, on May 4, 1966, her husband, Naji Beg, was martyred in the Battle of Mount Zozk in the Diyana district.

Following her husband's martyrdom, Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi continued to assist the Peshmerga forces. Consequently, in 1975, after the collapse of the Aylul Revolution, she was displaced to Iran. Initially, she settled in the Zeveh community. Subsequently, she moved to the Jahrum refugee camp in Fars province and later to Tawrez. In 1979, after the fall of the monarchy and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Amina returned to the Zeveh community and settled there.


Moreover, she sent two of her sons, Mamend and Rashid, to join the Peshmerga forces to defend their people and country. They, in turn, returned to South Kurdistan to continue their struggle alongside Haji Berokhi. Meanwhile, Amina remained in the Zeveh community with three of her children, grandchildren, and daughters-in-law. On June 9, 1985, the Iraqi regime's aircraft bombed the Zeveh community. This attack resulted in injuries to six of her grandchildren, Rashid’s wife, Mamend's wife, and two other grandchildren. Furthermore, in 1988, her son Mamend was martyred in the Battle of Khawkurk.

In 1993, Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi returned to South Kurdistan, where she established her home in both Pirmam and Soran. Her return marked a poignant moment of resilience and perseverance after years of displacement and struggle.


A pinnacle of recognition for her unwavering dedication and sacrifices came on August 16, 1996. On this momentous occasion, celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Amina was honored with the prestigious Immortal Barzani Medal. This distinguished accolade symbolized the profound gratitude and respect of the Kurdish people for her enduring commitment to their cause. The award not only commemorated her personal sacrifices but also enshrined her legacy within the annals of Kurdish history. It recognized her steadfast support of the Peshmerga forces, her role in nurturing the spirit of resistance, and her enduring hope for a free and peaceful Kurdistan.


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