The Shape of the Military Structure of the Great September Revolution

Title: The Shape of the Military Structure of the Great September Revolution
Author: Abdullah Rahman Mullazadeh
Language: Kurdish
Published Date: 2021

This book belongs to the series called "60 Years of the September Revolution (1961-1975)" and is the 17th book in the series. It comprises of an introduction, three themes, and a photo album. The author has organized the articles without any punctuation and divisions, which primarily focuses on the military composition of the Kurdistan Revolutionary Army during the September Revolution that took place between 1965-1975. The book has three chapters, each covering a different army stage.

The first chapter of the book discusses the composition of the First Army, which included the forces of Zakho, Duhok, Akre, Amedi, Sheikhan, Hamrin, and Sheikhan. The chapter mainly talks about the limits of the First Army's activities and its three different stages during the years 1965-1970, 1970-1974, and 1974-1975.

The second chapter covers the composition of the Second Army, which included the forces of Balak, Kawa, Safin, Betwata, and the Erbil Plain. It discusses the border battles and stories of these forces, each of which went through three stages during the years 1965-1975.

The third and final chapter of the book focuses on the composition of the Third Army, which included the forces of Khabat, Rzgari, and Karadag. Each of these forces passed through three stages between 1965-1975. The chapter also explores the role of soldiers and police in the September Revolution that took place in 1975.

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