September Revolution A Turning Point in Kurdish Political History

Title: September Revolution A Turning Point in Kurdish Political History
Author: Dr. Nishuan Shukri Abdullah, Dr. Saleem Jassim Haji, and Dr. Saleem Mohammed Azad
Language: Kurdish - Arabic
Published Date: 2021

This book is the 20th in the series of books (60 Years of the September Revolution (1961-1975) and is the work of a group of researchers at three international scientific conferences on the September Revolution, which was a turning point in Kurdish political history It is written in both Kurdish and Arabic It includes an introduction and a speech by President Massoud Barzani to the conference participants and all the papers read at the conference.


The book deals with the September Revolution of 11, 1961, led by Mullah Mustafa Barzani, the most crucial Kurdish revolution in the 20th century to achieve Kurdish national rights and the first revolution to spread throughout South Kurdistan. It was also the first Kurdish revolution. It has been a modern and political organization with the participation of all Kurdish social, political and cultural classes and has impacted other parts of Kurdistan. It has established diplomatic relations with several Iraqi, regional and international political movements. One has been able to voice the Kurdish opinion to the world.

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