Secondary Revolution of Barzan

Title: Secondary Revolution of Barzan
Author: dr.Mustafa Mohammed Karim
Language: Kurdish
Published Date: 2022

This book consists of an introduction, four chapters and an appendix of documents.

The first part of the book deals with the political situation in the Barzan region during the years (1933-1939) and includes three topics, which deal with the political events in Iraq between the years (1933-1939), the Khalil Khoshaw uprising between the years (1934-1936)—the stage of displacement Sheikhs of Barzan.

The second part of this book discusses the factors that contributed to the rise of the Second Barzan Revolution and consists of three topics: the influence, role and struggle of the leaders of Takya Barzan, World War II and its political and economic impact on the south Kurdistan and the emergence of Kurdish political parties and associations.

The third part deals with the Second Barzan Revolution from the beginning of the armed phase to the negotiating phase from October 2, 1943, to June 3,

  It consists of three topics: the exile of Mustafa Barzani to the outbreak of the revolution, the initial stages of the second Barzan revolution and the negotiations between the revolutionary leadership and the Iraqi government.

The fourth part deals with the breakdown of relations, the revival of the revolution, and its consequences. It includes two topics: the tension between the government and the revolutionary leadership and the suppression of the second Barzan revolution and its consequences.