Military Events of the September Revolution

Title: Military Events of the September Revolution
Author: Lieutenant Colonel Sangar Ibrahim Khoshnaw
Language: Kurdish
Published Date: 2022

This book consists of a gateway, five chapters and a photo album:


The first part deals with the outbreak of the September Revolution and its causes. It includes three topics: the peaceful efforts of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the institutionalization of the September Revolution, and the amendment of the constitution of the Kurdistan Revolutionary Leadership Council.

The book's second part deals with the war, ceasefire and agreements of the revolution with the government. It consists of three topics: Mala Mustafa Barzani's goals in the agreements, the defensive wars before the March 11 agreement and historical agreements. He was born on March 11,

The third part deals with the military structure of the September Revolution, which includes five topics, including the decision to establish the Border Guard, the First, Second and Third Armies from 1970 to 1974 and the three armies of the September Revolution from 1974 to

The book's fourth part deals with the government's retreat and assassination attempts. It includes nine topics on terrorism: the enemy's weapons against the revolutionary leadership, the assassination attempt on Idris Barzani, the decision to settle the problem, the exchange Letter between Mala Mustafa Barzani and the Iraqi leadership, the plot to assassinate Mustafa Barzani, the Ba'ath Party's manoeuvres, the government's efforts to frustrate the March 11 agreement, the peaceful efforts of the Kurdish leadership, the formation of administrative and military institutions to manage the affairs of the revolution.

The fifth part deals with the Iraqi army's invasion and attacks on Kurdistan, consisting of fifteen topics. It discusses the preparations of the Iraqi army to occupy Kurdistan, the principles of defence, the border battles of the first army of Badinan, and the border battles of the second army of Erbil. His wars The boundaries of the third army, the formation of the military planning committee, two letters from Idris Barzani to Massoud Barzani, the losses of the Iraqi army from 11/3/1974 to 11/3/1975, the reasons for the defeat of the Iraqi army against the September Revolution agreement of Algeria will sign a protocol between the Iranian and Iraqi governments on the remapping of the land border, a protocol on security on the Iraqi-Iranian border, a list of officers who participated in the September Revolution and some information related to time and military ranks.

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