Barzani Mustafa and the Kurdish Case in Iraq 1931 -1975

Title: Barzani Mustafa and the Kurdish Case in Iraq 1931 -1975
Author: dr. Abdulkhaliq Nasser al-Amri
Language: Kurdish
Published Date: 2021

This book is the 10th in the series of books (60 Years of the September Revolution (1961-1975)). In addition to the introduction, an independent section that generally discusses Kurdish geography, religion, language, history and events before 1931 and consists of five chapters and afterwords.

The first part of the book deals with Mullah Mustafa Barzani and the events of the years (1931-1958), the First Barzan Revolution in 1931, the Kurds and the coup d'etat of Bakr Sadiq in 1936, the Saadabad Treaty in 1937, World War II and its effects on the Kurds Years (1939-1945)

These include the economic crisis and war in Kurdistan, the Second Barzan Revolution (1943-1945), the Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad and the assessment of Barzani's role in Mahabad, political parties and associations, political events in Iraq in the July 14, 1958 revolution. The Kurdish role in this event includes the December 1948 Baghdad Treaty and the establishment of the National Front.

The second part is about Mullah Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdish problem during the Republican period between 1958-1968. It talks about the July 14, 1958 revolution and the Kurdish position in that revolution, the Shawaf movement and the events in Kirkuk.

  Conflicts between Abdul Karim Qasim and the Kurds, the causes of the revolution and the coup of February 8, 1963, the failure of negotiations and the resumption of war, the coup of November 18, 1963, Abdul Salam's period and the signing of the ceasefire Rahman Arif and the Kurds, the battle of Handren and the provisions of the June Morning Agreement.

The third part deals with Mullah Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdish cause under the Ba'ath rule between 1968-1975, the July coup and the Kurds in 1968, the March 11 declaration and after the declaration in 1970, the National Front and the progressive Nationalists 1975 Algiers Agreement and includes the Kirkuk issue.

The fourth part deals with the formation and goals of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Mullah Mustafa Barzani.

It covers several topics, including the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the July 1958 revolution, the fourth congress and open activities of the party, the split and separation of the party, the sixth and seventh congresses and the separatists, the July 17, 1968 coup and the Democratic Party Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) 8th Congress and the Self-Government Law, the KDP's relationship with the national parties, the Ba'athist position towards the September 11, 1961 revolution, the KDP's relationship with the national parties, and the KDP's position on the Kurdish cause.

The fifth part deals with foreign relations and the Kurds, including relations with regional countries such as Iran and Turkey, Egypt, the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, and Israel, the Kurdish problem and the development of the nation Arab national thought, Kurdish problem and Kurdish attitude towards it It is the Arab efforts for unity.


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