Dastany Korê, the pride of a Nation

Title: Dastany Korê, the pride of a Nation
Author: Mirza Ibrahim Qadir
Language: Kurdish
Published Date: 2022

This book consists of an introduction, three chapters, an appendix, documents and illustrations. Chapter chapters are organized by year and event.

The first part of this book generally discusses the Kurdish issue and Iraqi governments, including the July 14 Revolution and the First Republic, the situation in Kurdistan after Abdulkarim Qasim and after the July 17, 1968 coup, the September Revolution, a turning point in Kurdish armed struggle March 1970, the outbreak of the May Revolution, the Kurdistan Front, the beginning of the reconciliation phase of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, the idea of an uprising and an attempt to prepare, the 1991 uprising and the Iraqi army's invasions to occupy Kurdistan.

The second part of the book deals with the Battle of Korê, the Iraqi army's attacks towards Korê and the first plan of attack on the mountain ranges on Korê, the Peshmerga counterattack on the Iraqi army bases and the second plan of attack on Korê port.

The reasons for the Peshmerga's victory in the Battle of Korê include the start of negotiations with the Iraqi government, the negotiations between the Kurdistan Front and the Iraqi government in 1991, Resolution 886 and the peaceful refuge for the Kurds and its outcome.

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