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Sulaiman Ismail Jahangir

Sulaiman Ismail Jahangir, born in 1927 in the village of Botia, located in the Duhok province, embarked on a distinguished political journey that began in 1959 when he joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). His dedication to the cause quickly became evident, and by 1961, he had risen to the position of a cadre within the first branch of the Duhok Regional Committee...

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Shuan Mirkhan Badin Dori

Shuan Mirkhan Badin Dori was born in 1945 in the village of Dore, located in the Barzan area of Mergasur district. He was the son of Mirkhan Doria, a dedicated participant in the Barzan Revolution of 1943-1945 and a close comrade of the late Barzani during the establishment of the Kurdistan Democratic Republic. Tragically, Mirkhan Doria was martyred on March 25, 1947, during the battles in the Sheno area as the Republic of Kurdistan was overthrown...

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Sulaiman Ahmad Ismail Omar

Sulaiman Ahmad Ismail Omar, also known as Sulaiman Ahmad Dulamari, was a Peshmerga of the Aylul and Gulan Revolutions and the Uprising. He joined the Kurdistan Peshmerga Forces in 1967 at the age of 14. On December 15, 2010, he was awarded the Barzani Medal by President Massoud Barzani at the 13th Congress.

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Shawkat Mullah Ismail

Shawkat Ismail Hassan, widely known as Deputy Shawkat, completed his studies at the prestigious Baghdad Police College in 1960. The following year, he made a significant career move by joining the Peshmerga forces during the September Revolution. By 1971, he had risen through the ranks to become the esteemed commander of the 5th Battalion of Sangaw.

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Sabah Mohammed Arif Mohammed

Martyr Sabah Mohammad Arif, following the collapse of the September Revolution, sought refuge in Iran and joined the Peshmerga forces during the May Revolution. Tragically, in 1981, he fall victim to an ambush by PUK forces in the Sharazoor plain, resulting in his martyrdom.

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Salih Rashid Salih Murad

Martyr Salih Rashid, a Peshmerga during the September Revolution, attained the rank of branch clerk. Tragically, he was shot and killed in 1969 during an Iraqi military attack on the Peshmerga positions. Salih Rashid Salih, also known as Faqe Salih, was born in 1950 in the village of Razlay in the Nalparez district of Penjwen. He worked as a farmer and completed his primary education in the village before relocating to Penjwen to pursue religious studies and mullah classes.

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Salah Mohammed Sharif Mohammed

Martyr Salah Mohammed Sharif was a Peshmerga of the May Revolution. In 1988, he and two of his comrades were ambushed by the Ba'ath regime's jashes in the Sharazoor plain and were martyred.

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Suleyman Salih Brakhas Qadir

Suleyman Salih Barkhas Qadir, known as (Sulayman of Fata), was the Peshmerga of both the September revolution and the Gulan Revolution, received the ranks of platoon commander and commander of regiment and battalion commander, martyred in 1981.

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Soran Ismail Hamawais Rasul

Martyr Soran Ismail who was also known as Mamoste Soran was a cadre and Peshmerga of the Gullan Revolution and the Kurdish People's Uprising; he was wounded once during his Peshmerga career, and in the Kurdistan Democratic Party, he received the ranks of member and executive of the regional committee. However, in 1991, in an attack on the Ba'ath regime's military base in Sartaki Bamo, he was martyred.

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Sulaiman Abdulrahman Tagozi

Martyr Sulaiman Abdulrahman Mohammed, also known as Sulaiman Abdulrahman Tagozi, was a Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution. In 1983, he and two of his comrades were ambushed by the Ba'ath regime's (Jashes) in Tagozi region. Unfortunately, he was imprisoned in Mosul for a year and three months and later on he was martyred.

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Sabir Abdulkarim Mohammed Abdulrahman

Sabir Abdulkarim Mohammed, a Peshmerga fighter of the May Revolution. In 1978, within the village of Kani Zhanani situated in the Halabja province, an unfortunate event unfolded as he and his five companions became victims of a meticulously orchestrated strategy carried out by a PUK force.

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