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Mohammed Zaki Hassan

Mohammed Zaki Hassan, born in 1953 in the village of Biya, located in the Baregare region of Amedi district within Duhok province, embarked on a significant journey through the tumultuous landscape of Kurdish history. In 1974, he joined the Peshmerga forces, aligning himself with the Aylul Revolution. Serving as a Peshmerga within the esteemed Halgurd force, alongside Dlovan Salih Abdulaziz, he demonstrated unwavering commitment to the Kurdish cause.

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Mustafa Barzani

Mustafa Sheikh Mohammed Sheikh Abdulsalam Abdullah Barzani, also known as (Mullah Mustafa Barzani, General Mustafa Barzani, Peshawa (leadership), President Mustafa Barzani and Barzani Mustafa) was born on March 14, 1903, in Barzan village, in Erbil province. He was the initiator of the Second Barzan Revolution, the founder of the Freedom Committee, a general in the Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad, the head of the provisional government abroad in Baku, the founder of the Kurdistan Democratic Party

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Masoud Barzani

Masoud Mustafa Sheikh Mohammed Sheikh Abdulsalam Barzani, also known as (President Masoud Barzani, Mr. Masoud, Uncle, Masrour Barzani's father), joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Peshmerga Forces in 1962.

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Mohammad Hassan Bajlouri

Martyr Commander Mohammed Hassan Salim Ahmad was a Peshmerga of both the Aylul and Gullan Revolutions. In 1961, he contacted the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces. Then he was promoted to the rank of commander of the 4th Battalion of the Duhok Forces. On 26th November 1983, in the battle of Shino, he was martyred.

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Mushir Guani

Commander Mushir Rasul Haji, also known as Mushir Guani, enlisted in the Peshmerga Forces of the September Revolution in 1966 under the guidance of Hamid Effendi

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Mustafa Goroni

Mustafa Abdullah Hamad Ahmad, also known as Mustafa Goroni, enlisted in the Peshmerga forces during the September Revolution in 1965 and served in Barzani's headquarters.

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Mohammed Salih Abdulkarim Mohammed

Martyr Hama Salih Abdulkarim was an esteemed Peshmerga fighter who actively participated in both the September and May Revolutions. Following the collapse of the September Revolution, he was forced to seek refuge in Iran, only to be later relocated to southern Iraq under the control of the Ba'ath regime

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Muhammed Faraj Shawais Nadir

Martyr Muhammed Faraj Shawais, a Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution, in his life as a Peshmerga he was wounded three times and received the rank of a member of the District Committee. In 1986 near the village of Ahmadawa, he was ambushed by the Ba'ath regime and was martyred..

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Mahmoud Ahmad Rostam Osman

Martyr Mahmoud Ahmad Rostam was a cadre and Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution. He was responsible for the activities inside the cities. He was detained in Said Sadiq in 1988 along with several of his friends, and he and a friend were both killed there in 1989.

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Muhammed Abdulkarim Muhammed Mahmoud

Martyr Muhammed Abdulkarim Muhammed was the Peshmerga of both the September revolution and the Gulan Revolution, in his life as a peshmerga he was injured once and received the rank of Platoon commander, in 1981 near the village of Greza of Sharazur plains with one of his brothers they were ambushed by a force of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and they were martyred.

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Mehu Gawda

Muhammed Abu-Zeid Isa Abu-Zeid Known as (Mehu Gawda) a peshmarga of the September and Gulan revolutions, contacted the Peshmerga forces in 1964 and was executed in 1989

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