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Jaafar Sulaiman Ali Chey

Jafar Sulaiman Ali Chey, born in 1945 in Chey village in the Amedi district of Duhok province, experienced significant upheaval due to political unrest throughout his life. In 1975, following the Aylul Revolution, he fled to Iran, where he initially settled in Naghdeh. Later, he was transferred to Mashhad, where he lived until 1979. That same year, he returned to Karaj and met Idris Barzani. He remained in Iran until 1981 before returning to South Kurdistan and eventually settling in Duhok.

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Jamal Iskandar Mahmoud Hama Sharif

Martyr Jamal Iskandar Mahmoud served as a Peshmerga during the May Revolution, but was later displaced to the Iranian border following the collapse of the September Revolution. His entire family faced political imprisonment, and he himself sustained a single injury during his time as a Peshmerga. Tragically, in 1982, after engaging in a paramilitary operation in the Said Sadiq district, he fall victim to an ambush by soldiers and Jashes of the Ba'ath regime, resulting in his martyrdom.

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Jalal Mohammed Ahmad

Martyr Jalal Mohammed Ahmad served as a Peshmerga during the May Revolution. Throughout his Peshmerga career, he encountered two occurrences of injury. In 1982, he was apprehended by the Sulaimani security forces and subsequently executed. Jalal Mohammed Ahmad was born in 1962 in the village of Dula Suri, located in the Nalparez district of Penjwen district. He grew up as a villager and received education up until primary school.

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Jamal Qadir Amin Mohammed

Martyr Jamal Qadir Amin, an employee of the Iraqi government, was a Peshmerga fighter who played a significant role in the September Revolution. Throughout his Peshmerga live, he displayed exceptional bravery and dedication, enduring injuries on two separate occasions. As evidence to his exceptional abilities, he was promoted to the esteemed rank of chief. Tragically, he met his martyrdom in 1974 during a military confrontation with the Iraqi regime near Arbat.

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Jamal Ali Rashid Zorab

Martyr Jamal Ali Rashid served as a Peshmerga in both the September Revolution and the May Revolution. After the collapse of the September Revolution, he sought refuge in Iran. Throughout his Peshmerga career, he was wounded on two occasions and eventually rose to the rank of commander. Tragically, in 1981, he and his comrades were ambushed by a PUK force in the Sharazoor plain, resulting in their martyrdom.

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Jabar Mohammed Sharif Mohammed

Jabar Mohammed Sharif, also known as Jabar Haji Sharif, was a Peshmerga fighter during the May Revolution. Born in 1957 in the village of Walasmti in the Said Sadiq district, he was a farmer. In 1977, he was forcibly displaced to the Shaniri community by the Ba'ath regime. Tragically, his brother Salah Mohammed was killed in 1988.

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Jabar Kakakhan Alakaram Qadir

Martyr Jabar Kakakhan Alakaram, Jabar Rash, Jabar Chuchani. He was a Peshmerga who played a significant role in the May Revolution. In 1982, he and a group of his comrades tragically encountered a minefield and were targeted by a Ba'athist ambush.

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Jabbar Rahim Tagozi

Martyr Jabbar Rahim Nadir, known as Jabbar Rahim Tagozi, was the Peshmerga of both the September and the Gulan Revolution, he was injured once in his life as peshmerga and received the rank of leader, after the fail of the September Revolution, he became a refugee in Iran. In 1977, he was martyred in the village of Bani Bolani in the Tagozi region in facing the Iraqi soldiers of that time.

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Jalil Hoshyar

Jalil Yousef Ahmed Qasim, known as Hoshyar, Jalil Hoshyar, Dadwar Jalil Hoshyar, Zring and Jalil Qazi, was sentenced to military court in 1944 for supporting the Second Revolution of Barzan by the authorities of The Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq and was imprisoned on charges of cooperation with this revolution. In 1946, he joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Democratic Party he performed activities under the alias Zring

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Jalil Fayli

Abdul Jalil Abdulraza Ali known as Jalil Fayli -Bahoz- Samir, in 1957, he joined the ranks of the Kurdistan United Democratic Party, in 1965, he joined the ranks of the Peshmerga forces and was the speaker of the Arabic Jilfa (Iraqi Arabic: nonstandard) Language at the Voice of Kurdistan Radio, in 1993 by the representatives of the Congress, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan United Democratic Party (11th Congress). In 1997 He was the minister of the region.

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Jalal Bag Shwani

Teacher Jalal Abdul-Rahman Amin joined the ranks of the Kurdish Democratic Party in 1947. He was elected by the representatives of the Congress in 1959 as a member of the central committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Fourth Congress). In 1960-1961 he was the head of the third staff of the second branch of the party. In 1961 he escaped from the Iraqi police. He joined the ranks of the Peshmarga, in 1964 he left political work.

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Jarjis Fathullah Shamas

Lawyer Jarjis Fatahullah Shamas, known as Jarjis Fatahullah Al-Muhami, the first Chaldean among the leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, He joined the ranks of the September Revolution Peshmerga in 1968, In 1970, he was elected as a standby member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party by the representatives of the congress (8th Congress), in 1973-1974 by the order of President Masoud Barzani, he was the member of the Committee of the Preparation and Writing the Fe

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