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Haji Khdr Omar Aziz

Haji Khdr Omar, also known as Haji Khdr, was born in 1956 in Beghabar village, located in the Batifa area of Zakho district. His commitment to the Kurdish cause began early when he joined the Aylul Revolution in 1974, enlisting as a Peshmerga in the 4th Battalion of Haji Qado (Qedo) in Zakho, under the command of Isa Suwar. After the collapse of the Aylul Revolution in 1975, Haji Khdr returned to his hometown. However, his dedication to the Kurdish struggle persisted. He later joined the Gullan

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Halima Abdullah Ahmad

Halima Abdullah Ahmad, also known as Mother Halima, was born in 1937 in the village of Pashtagri, located in the Zawita area of Duhok province. She was the wife of Commander Abdulhadi Mohammed Saado, who led the 4th Battalion of Mohammed Hassan Bajlouri. In 1975, Abdulhadi was martyred in the mountains behind Duhok. Despite this profound loss, Halima remained in her village, steadfastly raising her six sons and four daughters...

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Haji Rasul Hussein

Rasul Hussein, also known as Haji Aghay Kosratan, was born in 1901 in the village of Mergay, located in the Choman district of Erbil province. He played a pivotal role in the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad. Following the republic's collapse, he relocated to Zewka village in the Piranshahr region of Eastern Kurdistan, where he resided with relatives until Barzani's return from the Soviet Union to Iraq. Hussein actively participated in several battles against the Iraqi regime...

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Huso Kanialinji

Commander Huso Mahmoud Babakr, also known as Huso Kanialinji, was a Peshmerga of the Aylul and Gulan Revolutions and the Uprising. In 1959 he joined the Peshmerga forces. Also, he is the bearer of the Immortal Barzani Medal.

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Haji Mirkhan Dolamari

Commander Haji Mirkhan Ahmad Sulaiman also known as Haji Mirkhan Dolamari was a Peshmerga of the Aylul, Gullan Revolution and the Uprising. He contacted the Peshmerga forces with his brother Heso mirkhan Dolamari on 1st May 1959. Then he was promoted to the head of branch rank on 7th July 1962. In 1970, he became the head of the Akre Regional Committee. He was also a member of the Aylul Higher Institution and head of the Aylul Committee in Soran and Mergasur.

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Haji Berokhi

In 1943, Commander Haji Shekhomar Berokhi, also known as Haji Berokhi, served as a head of a branch in the Second Barzan Revolution. Moreover, he participated in the Maidan Moriki battle and was the commander of the 1st Battalion of the Balak forces. Also, He oversaw the Peshmerga forces in the Dashta Diyana front in 1965 until the Aylul Revolution's conclusion.

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Hassan Mohammed Kaki Mohammed

Martyr Hassan Mohammed was a Peshmerga fighter who played a significant role in the May Revolution. Throughout his career, he encountered one injury. Unfortunately, in 1982, he was tragically martyred by a betrayer while serving as a Peshmerga. This individual seized his weapon and a portion of his body and surrendered to the Ba'athists.

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Hashem Merozi

Martyr Hashem Aziz Ahmed, known as Hashem Merozi, commander and Peshmerga of both the Second Barzan Revolution and the September Revolution, he joined the ranks of the Second Revolution of Barzan in 1945, in 1961 he became the Peshmerga in the September Revolution, and on May 10, 1965, he was martyred in the Battle of Atrush Mountain

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Hashem Elias Slu (Mahmoud Ezdi)

Hashem Elias Slu known as (Mahmoud Ezdi) the commander and peshmarga of the September and Gulan Revolution, in 1963, in the beginning of the September Revolution joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

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Haji Qadu Gravi

In 1928, he was born in a Kurdish patriotic family in the shahidan valley (Khanukay) on the border of Iraq and Turkey.

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Hamid Muhammad Qadir Osman

Martyr Hamid Muhammad Qadir, he was a Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution, in 1978 in the village of Kani Janan of the Halabja Governorate he was ambushed by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), during resting period Hamid Mohammed and five of his companions were martyred.

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Hama Rashid Mohammed Abdulrahman

Martyr Hama Rashid Mohammed Abdulrahman was a Peshmerga of both the Aylul and Gulan Revolutions. He was arrested in 1979 in Halabja during a clash with the Iraqi army. He was executed after three months of torture in prison. He is one of the martyrs whose grave is unknown.

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