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Abdulrahman Muhammad Abdulrahman

Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman, widely known as Abdulrahman Hurayi, was born in 1930 in the village of Huray, located in the Rekani area of Duhok province. He received his education up to the fifth grade of primary school. In 1961, when the Aylul Revolution erupted under the leadership of the late Barzani, Abdulrahman Hurayi eagerly joined the revolutionary ranks...

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Aziz Mohammed

Aziz Mohammed Abdullah was born on July 1, 1924, in the village of Berkot near Erbil. His father was a humble Kurdish farmer, while his mother, originally from North Kurdistan, was the daughter of a mullah from the Wan and Bash Qalawa regions.

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Amina Mohammed Saeed

Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi was born in 1930 in the village of Berokh, located in the Rubarok district of Hakkari province, North Kurdistan. Following the First Barzan Revolution in 1932, she and her family were compelled to flee to South Kurdistan, subsequently settling in Khalona village within the Sherwan Mazni district of Erbil province. Her husband, Naji Beg Sheikh Omar, later joined the Aylul Revolution and became a Peshmerga within the forces led by his brother, Haji Berokhi.

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Attempts to assassinate President Mustafa Barzani 1903-1979

There is a prevailing belief that the death, destruction, or assassination of a leader could extinguish a revolution or thwart a nation's cause, yet this axiom does not universally hold true. The adversaries of the Kurdish people were keenly aware that President Mustafa Barzani constituted the focal point and decision-maker of the Kurdish liberation movement. Hence, numerous attempts were orchestrated to assassinate him

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Attempted Assassination of Idris Mustafa Barzani

Idris Mustafa Barzani emerged as a prominent leader within the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the son of President Mustafa Barzani himself. Following his active participation in the Eylul Revolution and assuming key responsibilities as an aide to his father in military and social affairs, he earned admiration from allies and dismay from adversaries alike.

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Attempted Assassination of Massoud Mustafa Barzani

Massoud Mustafa Barzani began his journey as a Peshmerga at the onset of the Eylul Revolution. With the establishment of the Parastin Agency, he emerged as a prominent figure in the revolution. His involvement in the March 11 Agreement further cemented his importance. After the collapse of the revolution and during the illness of President Mustafa Barzani, he played an even more significant role in reviving the Gulan Revolution.

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Ahmad Meste

Ahmad Mustafa Shuan, also known as Ahmad Meste, was a prominent figure in the Second Barzan Revolution, an uprising that took place in the Kurdistan Republic in 1943. He also played a significant role in the September Revolution of 1961. Throughout his career, he held various positions of authority, including being a battalion commander in the Balak force and overseeing administration and military affairs at Barzani's headquarters.

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Ali Rauf Mohammed Hussein

Martyr Ali Rauf Mohammed was a cadre of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) organizations, a political prisoner, a Peshmerga of the May Revolution and the Kurdistan people's mass uprising. He was only wounded once during his Peshmerga life. He was martyred in 1991 in Sulaimani.

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Anwar Hama-Amin Mawlud Muhammed

Martyr Anwar Hama-Amin Mawlud was a cadre and Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution, received the rank of political leader of the force and supervisor of the secret cells in the city, and in 1981 he was ambushed by a Patriotic Union force in the city of Said Sadiq and was martyred.

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Abu Bakr Mahmoud Hama Sharif Latif

Martyr Abu Bakr Mahmoud Hama Sharif was the Peshmerga of both the September Revolution and the Gulan Revolution, along with his family, he was the Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution and was martyred in 1986, he was seriously injured in his peshmerga life...

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Asad Wussein Ghafur Hussein

Martyr Asad Wussein Ghafur was a Cadre of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Organizations, a political prisoner, and a Peshmerga of the popular uprising of the people of Kurdistan, he was injured once in his life as a Peshmerga, and in 1991 he was martyred in the liberation of Sulaymaniyah in front of the Red (Suraka) Security of Sulaymaniyah.

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Abdulkhaliq Malahasan Spindari

Abdulkhaliq Malahasan, Spindari-Barwari, was the first martyr of The Kurdistan Students, he was one of the founders of the Kurdistan Students Union. In 1960, he was the head of Duhok students. In 1963, he joined the ranks of The Faris Kuramarki Battalion, because of his intelligence, he became the deputy of The Battalion, and he was martyred in the Battle of Sangasar on 29-10-1966.

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