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Halima Abdullah Ahmad

Halima Abdullah Ahmad, also known as Mother Halima, was born in 1937 in the village of Pashtagri, located in the Zawita area of Duhok province. She was the wife of Commander Abdulhadi Mohammed Saado, who led the 4th Battalion of Mohammed Hassan Bajlouri. In 1975, Abdulhadi was martyred in the mountains behind Duhok. Despite this profound loss, Halima remained in her village, steadfastly raising her six sons and four daughters...

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Haji Rasul Hussein

Rasul Hussein, also known as Haji Aghay Kosratan, was born in 1901 in the village of Mergay, located in the Choman district of Erbil province. He played a pivotal role in the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad. Following the republic's collapse, he relocated to Zewka village in the Piranshahr region of Eastern Kurdistan, where he resided with relatives until Barzani's return from the Soviet Union to Iraq. Hussein actively participated in several battles against the Iraqi regime...

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Aziz Mohammed

Aziz Mohammed Abdullah was born on July 1, 1924, in the village of Berkot near Erbil. His father was a humble Kurdish farmer, while his mother, originally from North Kurdistan, was the daughter of a mullah from the Wan and Bash Qalawa regions.

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Amina Mohammed Saeed

Amina Mohammed Saeed Berokhi was born in 1930 in the village of Berokh, located in the Rubarok district of Hakkari province, North Kurdistan. Following the First Barzan Revolution in 1932, she and her family were compelled to flee to South Kurdistan, subsequently settling in Khalona village within the Sherwan Mazni district of Erbil province. Her husband, Naji Beg Sheikh Omar, later joined the Aylul Revolution and became a Peshmerga within the forces led by his brother, Haji Berokhi.

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Attempts to assassinate President Mustafa Barzani 1903-1979

There is a prevailing belief that the death, destruction, or assassination of a leader could extinguish a revolution or thwart a nation's cause, yet this axiom does not universally hold true. The adversaries of the Kurdish people were keenly aware that President Mustafa Barzani constituted the focal point and decision-maker of the Kurdish liberation movement. Hence, numerous attempts were orchestrated to assassinate him

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Attempted Assassination of Idris Mustafa Barzani

Idris Mustafa Barzani emerged as a prominent leader within the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the son of President Mustafa Barzani himself. Following his active participation in the Eylul Revolution and assuming key responsibilities as an aide to his father in military and social affairs, he earned admiration from allies and dismay from adversaries alike.

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Attempted Assassination of Massoud Mustafa Barzani

Massoud Mustafa Barzani began his journey as a Peshmerga at the onset of the Eylul Revolution. With the establishment of the Parastin Agency, he emerged as a prominent figure in the revolution. His involvement in the March 11 Agreement further cemented his importance. After the collapse of the revolution and during the illness of President Mustafa Barzani, he played an even more significant role in reviving the Gulan Revolution.

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The Battle of Maklawa Village

Following the confrontations at Qarawa and Mamasha, where the Peshmerga forces of the Republic of Kurdistan engaged with the Iranian army, it became evident that the Iranian forces are compelled to undertake a reorganization of their troops in the area and formulate a suitable strategy…..

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The Battle of Qulta

During the conflict between the Republic's Peshmerga forces and the Iranian army, a significant battle unfolded in the village of Qulta, involving a total of five hundred soldiers. Among them, twenty individuals hailed from the Mahabad force, alongside fighters from Garki, Sardasht, and Suesni. Notably, Mustafa Khoshnaw from the Barzani Forces was also actively engaged in the combat.

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The Battle of Kaniyalnja 1983

On November 21, 1983, the Peshmerga forces of Barzan launched an assault on the Iraqi army bases located in close proximity to the village of Kaniyalnja in the Barzan region. The Battle of Kaniyalnja ensued, resulting in the swift capture of the enemy bases by the Peshmerga forces. This successful operation inflicted significant damage upon the Iraqi army, highlighting the prowess and effectiveness of the Peshmerga fighters.

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The Battle Inside Akre City 1983

In 1983, the war unfolded. The Kurdistan Peshmerga Forces strategized to shift their partisan operations to urban areas and launch attacks on government institutions. Their objective was to convey a powerful message to the government, demonstrating the Kurdish revolution's ability to strike at institutions at will, inflicting casualties and other significant losses.

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The Battle of Atrosh 1987

The Peshmerga forces faced a significant challenge on January 5, 1987, when the Iraqi army and mercenary forces (jash) launched a large-scale assault in the Atrosh and Sheikhan areas, along with the surrounding regions. Backed by tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, and warplanes, the attackers engaged in a fierce battle that lasted for a duration of 13 to 15 days. Despite the government forces managing to capture certain territories, the Peshmerga forces, supported by the local civil forces...

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