Shawkat Mullah Ismail

Shawkat Ismail Hassan, widely known as Deputy Shawkat, completed his studies at the prestigious Baghdad Police College in 1960. The following year, he made a significant career move by joining the Peshmerga forces during the September Revolution. By 1971, he had risen through the ranks to become the esteemed commander of the 5th Battalion of Sangaw.

Shawkat Ismail Hassan, born on April 22, 1937 in Sulaimani, completed his education at Baghdad Police College in 1960. He sought refuge in Iran in 1975 and later assumed managerial roles in local factories in Sulaimani in 1980. In 1994, he relocated to Germany where he currently resides. Besides his native language, he is fluent in Arabic, Persian, English, and German. On December 28, 1961, he joined the Peshmerga forces of the September Revolution as a second lieutenant, serving at Barzani's headquarters. Throughout his Peshmerga journey, he attained various ranks, including his appointment as the head of intelligence and ciphers in 1963. From 1971 to 1974, he commanded the 5th Battalion of Sangao, and in 1974, he led the 1st Battalion of the Border Guard in Bamo and Sartak. He retired in 1993 with the rank of Lieutenant.

He has authored numerous literary works, including:

  • Days in the history of the September Revolution, 1961-1974.

  • Yazidi Mithraic remains

  • Kurdish and English Dictionary

  • Kurdish and English proverbs

  • Kurdish and English idioms

  • English and Kurdish Dictionary


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