Mohammed Amin Ma'rouf In 1940, Kamala—also known as the teacher Mohammed Amin Ma'roof—joined the Kurdish Hope Party (Hiwa). He joined the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Koya Conference) Central Committee in 1950. He was chosen by the delegates of the second congress to serve on the Kurdish Democratic Party's (KDP) provisional central committee in 1951. In 1953, he opposed the nomination of members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) for the Iraqi parliament. He joined the United Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Third Union) central committee in 1957. He was in charge of the second branch's Koya committee in 1958. He entirely stopped working for the Party (KDP) in 1964. He was proficient in both Kurdish and Arabic.
In the province of Erbil's Koya, Mohammed Amin Ma'roof Kamala was born in 1920. In Koya Township, Rash Mullah first instructed him in religious studies. He enrolled at Koya Primary School in 1929, where his name was recorded. He finished his primary school at Koya in 1936. He received admission to the four-year local teachers' college in Baghdad in 1936. He earned his degree from the local teachers' college in 1940. Later, he was hired to teach first grade at Koya Primary School. He taught Jalal Talabani (1933–2017) in the first grade of the primary class in 1941. He provided financial support to the Baghdad-based Kurdish Success Club (Yanay Sarkawtny Kurdan) in 1943. He published a speech in the Baghdad-based Kurdish magazine Galawezh toward the end of 1943. He backed efforts to eradicate illiteracy in Koya town in 1949. He died of diabetes on November 15, 1999, in Koya Township, Erbil Province, and was laid to rest in the Kakon Cemetery. Engineer Ali Abdullah Amin (19-2017), the vice president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), sent a letter of condolences to his family on Wednesday, November 17, 1999.
Service record
In 1940 he contacted the Kurdish Hope Party (Hiway Kurd). In 1945 he joined the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan (Revolutionary Party). In 1945, he contacted the communist party in Iraqi Kurdistan (Shorsh Party) In 1946 he was one of the representatives to the first congress of the Kurdish Democratic Party (First Union) in Baghdad. And In 1947, he was a teacher in Zanst primary school in Koya of Erbil province. Then, on behalf of the Kurdish Democratic Party, he led the demonstration against the Treaty of Portsmouth on 27 January 1948 in Koya of Erbil province that was between the British kingdom and Iraq kingdom. In 1950, he became a member of the central committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Koya conference). Moreover, in 1951, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Second Congress) by the representatives of the congress. In 1951, he was in charge of the Koya Regional Committee. And in 1951, he was a supporter of the lawyer Hamza Abdullah Omar (1915 - 1998) of the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP). To add further, in 1953, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Third Congress) by the representatives of the congress. However, in 1953, he was deported to Prde in Kirkuk province by the Iraqi authorities. In 1953, he was against the self-nomination of the members of Kurdistan Democratic Party in Iraqi Parliament. Furthermore, in 1957, he became a member of the central committee of the United Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (Third Union). Moreover, in 1958 he was in charge of the Koya regional committee of the second branch committee. In the end, in 1964, he completely left Party work (KDP related responsibilities).
ئامادهكردنی : كهمال مهعروف، بیرهوهریهكانی مامۆستا عهبدولمهجید نورهدین جهلی زاده، (ههولێر ـ چاپخانهی شههاب ـ ٢٠١٢ز)، ل ل ٢٤، ١٠٨.
مازبا، لاوی پولونی، وهرگێڕانی محمد امین معروف، گۆڤاری گهلاوێژ، ژماره ١١، سال ٤، بهغدا، چاپخانهی معارف، تشرینی دووهم ١٩٤٣ز، ل ل ٦٦ ـ ٧١.
ئهحمهد باوهڕ، كۆمهڵێ یانهی سهركهوتن، (كوردستان ـ شارهوانی كهلار ـ چاپخانهی ئۆفسێتی تیشك ـ ٢٠٠٤ز)، ل ١٣٥.
مام جهلال، ساڵی كۆنگرهی خوێندكاران، بهشی پێنجهم، گۆڤاری خاك، ژماره ١٤، ساڵی دووهم، سلێمانی، چاپخانهی ئۆفسێتی دلێر، ١٠ ئابی ١٩٩٨ز، ل ٧.
مههدی محهمهد قادر، پێشهاته سیاسییهكانی كوردستانی عێراق ١٩٤٥ ـ ١٩٥٨، (سلێمانی ـ سهنتهری لێكۆڵینهوهی ستراتیجیی كوردستان ـ ٢٠٠٥ز)، ل ل ١٢٢، ١٢٨ ـ ١٢٩، ١٣٢، ١٣٥.
جهمال بابان، سلێمانی شاره گهشاوهكهم، بهرگی سێیهم، چاپی دووهم، (ههولێر ـ دهزگای چاپ و بڵاوكردنهوهی ئاراس ـ چاپخانهی ئاراس ـ ٢٠١٢ز)، ل ل ٣٣٢ ـ ٣٣٣.
مام جهلال، برایم ئهحمهد سهركردهیهكی بلیمهت و ژیری سهردهمێكی نوێی كوردایهتی، گۆڤاری خاك، ژماره ٥٨، ساڵی پێنجهم، سلێمانی، چاپخانهی ئۆفسێتی دلێر، ١٠ نیسانی ٢٠٠٢ز، ل ٧.
حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خهبات ـ ١٩٩٨م)، ص ص ٤٢، ٤٧، ٥٠، ٥٩.
سدیق ساڵح، ڕهفیق ساڵح و عهبدوڵڵا زهنگهنه، ژیاننامه و پێڕستی گۆڤاری گهلاوێژ، بهرگی یازدهیهم، (سلێمانی ـ بنكهی ژین ـ چاپخانهی ڕۆژههڵات ـ ٢٠١٦ز)، ل ل ٢٩٩ ـ ٣٠٠.
فهرهاد عهونی، ٣٦ نامه و چهند كهسایهتییهكهی دیوانی من، (ههولێر ـ چاپخانهی زانكۆی سهڵاحهددین ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٥٤ ـ ٥٥، ٥٩.
شهعبان عهلی شهعبان، ههندێك زانیاری سیاسی و مێژوویی، چاپی سێیهم، (ههولێر ـ چاپخانهی خهبات ـ ٢٠١٣ز)، ل ١٠٨.
طاهر احمد حویزی، مێژووی كۆیه، بهرگی دووهم بهشی یهكهم، (بهغدا ـ چاپخانهی (نمیر) ـ ١٩٨٤ز)، ل ل ٢٠٤، ٢٢٣.
علی عبدالله، مێژووی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان- عێراقتا بهستنی كۆنگرهی سێیهمی، (بێ شوێن ـ ئهیلولی ١٩٦٨ز)، ل ل ٨٦ ـ ٩٠.
عهبدولخالق عهلائهددین، كۆیه ... ناودارانی، (ههولێر ـ چاپخانهی مناره ـ ٢٠١٤ز)، ل ل ١٩١ ـ ١٩٢.
عهبدولكهریم عهبدوڵڵا حهوێزی، بیرهوهریهكانم لهگهڵ ههڤاڵی تێكۆشهر مام جهلال، گۆڤاری كهكۆن، ژماره ٣١، نیسانی ٢٠١٤ز، ل ٢٦.
كریم شارهزا، المعلم المربي والمناضل القومي محمدأمین معروف ١٩٢٠ ـ ١٩٩٩، جریدة خهبات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٨٨، أربیل، الجمعة، ١١ آب ٢٠٠٠م، ص ١١.
كهریم شارهزا، محهمهد ئهمین مهعروف، ١٩٢٠ ـ ١٩٩٩، ئینسكلۆپیدیای ههولێر، بهرگی دهیهم، (لوبنان ـ گرین گالۆری ـ ٢٠٠٩ز)، ل ل ٤٥٨٣ ـ ٤٥٨٤.
كۆیه .. له ڕۆژانی وهثبهی ١٩٤٨دا، ڕۆژنامهی كوردستانی نوێ، ئۆرگانی یهكێتیی نیشتمانیی كوردستان، ژماره ٣٠١، ساڵی دووهم، ههولێر، چوارشهمه، ٢٧ كانونی دووهمی ١٩٩٣ز، ل ٦.
مهجید ئاسنگهر، "له چلهی مامۆستایهكی پایهبهرزدا"، ڕۆژنامهی برایهتی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان، ژماره ٢٩٩٨، ههولێر، یهكشهمه، ٢٦ كانونی یهكهمی ١٩٩٩ز، ل ٣.
نائب رئیس حزبنا یواسي عائلة المرحوم الاستاذ محمدامین معروف، جریدة خهبات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٥١، أربیل، الجمعة، ١٩ تشرین الثاني ١٩٩٩م، ص ٢.