The condition and causes
Hussein Jamil received the position of minister of justice in Ali Jawad Ayubi’s Government In 1949. Thus a suitable political condition had arisen in Iraq, and many political prisoners were released. In this prospect, many members of the leadership and cadres of the Kurdish Democratic Party like Hamza Abdullah, Awni Yusif, Jaleel Hoshiyar, and Ibrahim Ahmad were released.
The secretrait of the party Hamza Abdullah post his release by the government, he was permitted to reissue his Iraqi citizenship (In which he was stripped of in 1938). Hamza Abdullah had asked the party's central committee to halt his membership to reissue his Iraqi citizenship. His demand has been rejected. So, Hamza Abdullah announced that he had left the party, and got the approval from the central committee.
By approving Hamza Abdullah's departure, a dispute arose between the board of Koya’s district (Nawcha) and the temporary central committee in Baghdad which was a weak leadership. Koya's district (Nawcha) Board has asked the central committee to reconsider their decision. The central committee was obliged to return Hamza Abdullah. Henceforth, forming the new political bureau from; Hamza Abdullah, Awni Yusuf, and Ali Abdullah. The latter is responsible to make preparation for holding the party's conference. Meanwhile, Salih Rushdi and Mustafa Kareem were asked to return the party's print devices to the political bureau. They didn't do this task, they had left the party and revealed the party's secrets. Concurrently, the political bureau as a means of preparation had typed the party's agenda with a little editing and it was published.
Thus the temporary leadership was elected and was not successful at its task. Meanwhile, the political condition of the party’s organizations was in chaos. So, a short period after the 1950s Baghdad conference, the decision for holding the party’s conference was taken.
Holding the conference
The second conference was held on 13th and 14th of March 1951 at Ali Hamdi’s house in Baghdad. Approximately 30 members from the Erbil, Balak, Koya, Suleymaniyah, Halabja, and Baghdad had participated in it. After evaluating the political condition, the party’s organization and discussion on the subjects, the attendees especially Hamza Abdullah and Ali Abdullah Ibrahim Ahmad decided on creating a new central committee under the condition that its members were not members of the previous central committee. After its creation, the members of old and new central committee will do the necessary modification to the program and the policy of the party, and will make preparation for holding the third conference.
In this conference the party’s name has remained the same, and its interior program and policy has been translated into Kurdish Language as it was. Only a foreword entitled the political bureau and an introduction entitled central committee were added. It was also decided that the national oath and the intrior program and policy to be amended with the support of the former secretery and members of the leadership.
In the second conference due to the lack of a secretrait and political bureau a temporary central committee of 6 members was selected. The members were: Ibrahim Ahmad Fatah, Nuri Shaways, Jaleel Hoshiyar, Omar Dababa, Bakir Ismael Mohammed and Hamad Ameen Maroof.
After the conference was concluded, the party started conducting the decessions of the conference and reactivating its organizations. After a two year halt in September 1951 the party published a new volume of the Rizgari newspaper and issued the “Nidaa Kurdistan” newspaper in Arabic Language. In 1952 the reorganization of the branch (Liq) and interior organizations have been started which were separated. During this period the organizations of Suleymaniyah, Halabja, Penjwin, Qaladze, Ranya, Baghdad, Akre, Kirkuk, Erbil, Balak, and some other district (Nawcha) belonging to these areas have been Reactivated. Also upon the decession of the central committee in 1952 Kurdish Democratic party participated in the Iraq’s Elections and was able to succeed its candidate “the lawyer Masood Muhammad Jalilzada” in Koya. The party also participated in the uprising of 22nd November 1952 which was against the Iraqi authority of that time.
The Internal Issues:
Regarding the internal issues, the second conference of the party couldn’t resolve the issues. Despite being asked by the conference’s management board to attend the conference, each of Salih Rushdi and Mustafa Kareem did not participate in the conference. They created a new organization by themselves called (Hizbi Demokrati Kurdi Iraq) which translates to Kurdish Democratic Party Iraq. They only replaced the word party with the word “Hizb” which are synonyms. This new party in the second half of 1952 disbanded, and the majority of its members have returned to The Kurdish Democratic Party.
Hamza Abdullah did not abide by the conference’s decisions and did not support the party’s organizations, which is why he was freezed by the party’s central committee. After the freeze in the summer of 1951 the government has arrested Hamza Abdulla and decided he should return to Turkey. Meanwhile, another campaigne of arresting the Party members have started. Each of Ibrahim Ahmad, Ali Abdullah, Omer Mustafa, Muhammad Habibee, Awni Yousif, and Jalal Husamaldeen Talabani have been arrested by the government and were forced to be segregated to some Iraqi cities. The decession did not take long soon it nullified. Only the decession about Hamza Abdullah has remained the same. He was able to save himself in Zakho and return to Suleymaniyah while he was being taken to Turkey.
After the return, Hamza Abdullah contacted the dissatissified members of the party including Suleyamiyah’s branch (Liq) which had problems with the central committee and were expelled by the latter had gone to support Hamza Abdullah. Henceforth, Hamza Abdullah and Suleymaniyah’s branch (Liq) united and created a party called “The advanced wing of Kurdish Democratic Party Iraq.” Those who contacted Hamza Abdullah in Suleymaniyah were: Muharram Muhammadamin, Shahab Sheikh Nouri, Hamakareem Fathullah, Baba Tahir Sheikh Jalal, and etc…
In the second half of the year 1952 there was an attempt by the central committee to please Hamza Abdullah and Suleymaniyah’s branch (Liq) that called themselves “district (Nawcha) 2 affiliated with Kurd Democratic Party-Iraq” to rejoin the party. At first, they have accepted to rejoin, under the condition the disbanded members to be returned and to participate in the party’s conference. Their demance have been accepted by the central committee. But, Hamza Abdullah and his companions have gone back on their word. This partition of the party made the temporary central committee of the party to hastely make prepartions for holding the third conference.
نامهی جهلال تاڵهبانی (پیرۆت) بۆ: سهركرده جهنهراڵ مستهفا بارزانی و هاوڕێی خۆشهویست میرحاج ئهحمهد، (٥/١٠/١٩٥٥ – پهكین)، مسعود بارزانی، بارزانی و بزووتنهوهی رزگاریخوازی كورد، ١٩٣١-١٩٥٨، بهرگی یهكهم، (ههولێر ـ چاپخانهی وهزارهتی پهروهرده ـ ٢٠٠٤ز)، بهڵگهنامهی ژماره ٧.
• مێژووی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، كۆنگره و كۆنفرانس (پرۆگرام و پهیڕهوی ناوخۆ)، دهستهی ئینسكلۆپیدیای پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، بهرگی یهكهم، (ههولێر- چاپخانهی رۆكسانا- ٢٠٢١).
• حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خهبات ـ ١٩٩٨م).
• علی عبدالله، مێژووی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان - عێراق تا بهستنی كۆنگرهی سێ یهمی، (شوێن نادیار ـ ١٩٦٨ز).
• سهڵاح رهشید، مام جهلال دیداری تهمهن له لاوێتییهوه بۆ كۆشكی كۆماری، (سلێمانی – چاپخانهی كاردۆ – ٢٠١٧).
• عهبدوڵڵا مهردوخ، چهند یادگارێكی مامۆستا برایم ئهحمهد، (سلێمانی ـ بنكهی ژین ـ چاپخانهی كارۆ ـ ٢٠١٠ز).