Pirot Ahmad Ibrahim

Pirot Ahmad Ibrahim, also known as Dr. Pirot, joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in 1968. On December 12, 1989, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the KDP by the delegates of the 10th Congress.

Pirot Ahmad Ibrahim, also known as Dr. Pirot, joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in 1968. On December 12, 1989, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the KDPby the delegates of the 10th Congress.  He was appointed as the ambassador to the Iraqi Foreign Ministry on September 13, 2009 by a republican decree on the share of the KDP. On June 20, 2010, he was appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the Swiss Confederation and he held this position until the year 2014. In 2010, he was awarded the Immortal Barzani Medal by President Masoud Barzani.


Pirot Ahmad Ibrahim, also known as Dr. Pirot, was born in 1944 in Erbil. He graduated from Erbil Primary Teachers College in 1964. In 1964, he became the director of Korê Primary School which was under the supervision of the Erbil Education Department. He was a teacher at Barzan Primary School in Erbil Education Department from 1968 to 1970. In 1975, after the collapse of the September Revolution, he moved to Iran and helped refugees. In 1975, he was the first head of education in the school for the refugees of South Kurdistan in the Kingdom of Iran. In 1992, he graduated from the Medical University of Vienna. In 2014, he retired from the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is fluent in Kurdish, Arabic, German, English, Turkish, and Persian.

Pirot’s Striving Record  

Pirot Ahmad Ibrahim joined the Kurdistan Students Union in 1962 during the September Revolution. In 1963, he was arrested and tortured by the National Guard forces of the Ba'athist Arab Socialist Party in Erbil. In 1968, he joined the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). On August 5, 1970, he was appointed as a representative of the third congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union in Nawprdan village in Erbil province. On February 5-6, 1973, he was elected as a member of the Secretariat of the Kurdistan Teachers Union by the delegates of the Fourth Congress in Erbil, and he read the report of the Secretariat of the Fund. 

In 1973, he participated in the World Youth Festival in East Berlin with a delegation of the KDP. On February 1-3, 1974, he was a delegate to the fifth congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union, and he was elected as a member of the Secretariat by the fifth congress delegates of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. In 1974, he joined the ranks of the Peshmerga forces of the September Revolution and served as a supervisor in the information (education) department of the September Revolution. On Wednesday, April 24, 1974, during the bombing of Kurdistan University in Qaladze town of Sulaimani province by Iraqi air force planes, he was there but he survived the attack. In 1976, he moved to Austria as a refugee. In 1976, he joined the Kurdish Students Association in Europe (K.S.S.E). In 1976, he was elected a member of the secretariat of the association, by the representatives of the 16th Congress of the Kurdish Students Association in Europe. From 1976 to 1991, he was a representative of President Massoud Barzani in Vienna, Austria. In 1976, he was appointed as a member of the Sixth European Branch Committee by the interim leadership of the KDP. On the night of December 8, 1979, he was shot and wounded by an Iraqi intelligence team that had come to assassinate Massoud Barzani in Vienna.

From 1979 to 1989, he was a member of the Secretariat of the Kurdish Students Association in Europe. In 1985, he participated in the World Youth Festival in Moscow as a representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union. In 1986, he visited the Libyan People's Republic twice with Idris Mustafa Sheikh Mohammed (1944-1987), also known as Idris Barzani. In 1988, he helped the victims of chemical weapons in South Kurdistan in Vienna. 

On October 14-15, 1989, he participated in the First Kurdish World Congress: Human Rights and Cultural Identity, organized by the Kurdish Institute in Paris and the Association of Free France, led by Madame Danielle Mitterrand which was organized in Paris. On 12 December 1989, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the KDP by the delegates of the 10th Congress. On December 13, 1990, he was appointed as a member of the European Relations Committee. In early August 1990, he represented the KDP and was a member of the Kurdistan Front delegation to visit Yasser Arafat (1929-2004) in the Republic of Tunisia. In 1991, he was in charge of the Ranya-Qaladze front in Sulaimani province during the Kurdistan Front Peshmerga forces operation. On July 20, 1991, he was a member of the supervisory committee for the formation of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. In 1993, he was the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in the Republic of Austria. In 1993, he was the representative of the 11th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-United (KDP) in Erbil.

 In 1997, he participated in the Ankara and Paris peace meetings with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) as a representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). On Friday, August 15, 1997, he published an article in the Khabat newspaper, the organ of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-United (KDP). In 1999, he was a delegate to the 12th Congress of the KDP in Erbil. From 1999 to 2004, he was the first head of the KDP representation in Tehran, capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In mid-February 2000, as the KDP’s representative in Tehran, he accompanied a delegation of the KDPto visit the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and meet with Hashemi Rafsanjani, the chairman of the council for introduced the interests of the regime. In early August 2000, he accompanied a delegation of the KDP led by Nechirvan Idris Mustafa, also known as Nechirvan Barzani, to meet him with officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. From 1999 to 2004, he was the representative of the KDP in Tehran. In 2003, he participated in the Iraqi Opposition Congress in London, UK. In 2005, he participated in the Social Democratic Congress in South Africa as a KDP delegate. He was appointed by a presidency order as the Ambassador to the Iraqi Foreign Ministry on September 13, 2009, on behalf of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). On June 20, 2010, by a presidency order, he was appointed as the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the Confederate State founded in Switzerland and he held that position until 2014. In 2010, he was the head of the preparatory committee for the 13th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). On December 15, 2010, he was awarded the Immortal Barzani Medal by President Massoud Barzani for his striving in the September, May Revolution, South Kurdistan Uprising, and the sovereignty period. 


  1. ئـ. د. ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌ AH-٩٦، لیستی ناوی ئه‌ندامانی كۆنگره‌ی دوازده‌یه‌می پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، ١٣ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ١٩٩٩ز، ڕوونووسی به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ له‌لایه‌ن شێرزاد ئه‌میر حه‌سه‌ن پێشكه‌ش كراوه، ل ٣.

  2. ئـ. د. ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌ AH-٩٧، لیستی ناوی ئه‌ندامانی كۆنگره‌ی سێزده‌یه‌می پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، ١٣ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ٢٠١٠ز، ڕوونووسی به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ له‌لایه‌ن شێرزاد ئه‌میر حه‌سه‌ن پێشكه‌ش كراوه، ل ٢٠.

  3. ئـ.د.ئـ، فایلی ژماره‌ FA-٥٨، ده‌قی چاوپێكه‌وتن له‌گه‌ڵ پیرۆت ئەحمەد ئیبراهیم ناسراو به‌ دكتۆر پیرۆت له‌لایه‌ن ئه‌سرین هه‌ركی، پیرمام، ٢٩ی ته‌موزی ٢٠١٨ز، ل ل ١ ـ ٤.

  4. ئاشتی، سماحة السید هاشمي رفسنجاني یحمل وفد الپارتي تحیاته‌ الی الرئیس مسعود البارزاني، مجلة گولان العربي، مؤسسة گولان للثقافة والأعلام، العدد ٤٥، السنة الرابعة، أربیل، ٢٩ شباط ٢٠٠٠م، ص ٥.

  5. ابراهیم طاهر معروف الرباتي، معجم أطباء محافظة أربیل، (أربیل ـ التفسیر ـ مطبعة تربیة أربیل ـ ٢٠٠٤م)، ص ص ٢٨٧، ٥٦٩.

  6. برایه‌تی پێشوازی له‌ نوێنه‌ری حكومه‌تی هه‌رێمی كوردستان له‌ ووڵاتی نه‌مسا ده‌كات، ڕۆژنامه‌ی برایه‌تی، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، ژماره‌ ١٦٢١، هه‌ولێر، هه‌ینی، ١٦ی نیسانی ١٩٩٣ز، ل ٦.

  7. برقیة شكر الی الرئیس البكر من المؤتمر الرابع لاتحاد معلمي كردستان، جریدة التآخي، العدد ٩٥٣، بغداد، مطبعة التایمس، السبت، ٥ شباط ١٩٧٢م، ص ٤.

  8. پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، سه‌رۆك، ژماره‌ ١٠، ١٣ی كانونی دووه‌می ١٩٩٠ز، ل ٤.

  9. پیروت احمد، نضال الپارتي في اوروپا من عام ١٩٧٦ وحتی انتفاضة آذار ١٩٩١، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ الموحد، العدد ٨٣٧، أربیل، الجمعة، ١٥ آب ١٩٩٧م، ص ٩.

  10. حامید گه‌وهه‌ری، میدالیای بارزانی به‌رزترین خه‌ڵاتی ڕێزلێنان، به‌رگی یه‌كه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ ده‌زگای خێرخوازیی بارزانی ـ چاپخانه‌ی حاجی هاشم ـ ٢٠١٤ز)، ل ل ٢٦٤ ـ ٢٦٧.

  11. حامید گه‌وهه‌ری، میدالیای بارزانی به‌رزترین خه‌ڵاتی ڕیزلێنان، كتێبی یه‌كه‌م، چاپی دووه‌م،  (هه‌ولێر ـ ده‌زگای خێرخوازی بارزانی ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٢٧٠ ـ ٢٧٣.

  12. حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خه‌بات ـ ١٩٩٨م)، ص ١٧٤.

  13. سێ به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ی تایبه‌ت به‌ هه‌ڵبژاردنی مامۆستایانی كوردستان، گۆڤاری سلێمانی، شاره‌وانی سلێمانی، ژماره‌ ٢٣، سلێمانی، چاپخانه‌ی ئۆفسێتی شڤان، حوزه‌یرانی ٢٠٠١ز، ل ل ٣٨ ـ ٣٩.

  14. شه‌عبان عه‌لی شه‌عبان، هه‌ندێك زانیاری سیاسی و مێژوویی، چاپی سێیه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات ـ ٢٠١٣ز)، ل ١٢١.

  15. صلاح بدرالدین، الحركة الوطنیة الكردیة السوریة، الجزء الثاني، (أربیل ـ رابطة كاوا للثقافة الكردیة ـ مطبعة روژهه‌لات ـ ٢٠١٨م)، ص ٢٨٩.

  16. صورة لجلسة الأفتتاحی المؤتمر الرابع لاتحاد معلمي كردستان، جریدة التآخي، العدد ٩٥٣، بغداد، مطبعة التایمس، السبت، ٥ شباط ١٩٧٢م، ص ١.

  17. علی طریق المؤتمر الرابع، جریدة‌ التآخي، العدد ١٢٥٠، بغداد، مطبعة التایمس، الأحد، ٤ شباط ١٩٧٣م، ص ٥.

  18. عه‌لی بانیشاری، ٣٩ ساڵ له‌مه‌وبه‌ر له‌ ڤییه‌ننا حكومه‌تی عێراق هه‌وڵی تیرۆركردنی سه‌رۆك بارزانی دا، ڕۆژنامه‌ی خه‌بات، ئۆرگانی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، ژماره‌ ٥٤٢٦، هه‌ولێر، دووشه‌مه‌، ٨ی كانونی دووه‌می ٢٠١٨ز، ل ٤.

  19. فایز الخفاجي، اغتیالات في المنفی ١٩٦٨ ـ ٢٠٠٣، (بغداد ـ دار قنادیل للنشر والتوزیع ـ ٢٠١٨م)، ص ٢٤٤.

  20. فه‌رمانی كۆماری ژماره‌ ١٠٣، ڕۆژنامه‌ی وه‌قایعی عێراقی، ژماره‌ ٤١٥٧، ساڵی په‌نجا و یه‌كه‌مین، به‌غدا، چاپخانه‌ی خانه‌ی گشتی كاروباری ڕۆشنبیری، ٥ی تشرینی یه‌كه‌می ٢٠٠٩ز، ل ١٨.

  21. فه‌رمانی كۆماری ژماره‌ ٥٦، ڕۆژنامه‌ی وه‌قایعی عێراقی، ژماره‌ ٤١٣٨، به‌غدا، چاپخانه‌ی خانه‌ی گشتی كاروباری ڕۆشنبیری، ساڵی په‌نجا و یه‌كه‌مین، ٥ی ته‌موزی ٢٠١٠ز، ل ٣.

  22. كۆنفرانسی نێوده‌وڵە‌تی كورد : مافی مرۆڤ و ناسنامه‌ی فه‌رهه‌نگی، گۆڤاری پێشه‌نگ، ئۆرگانی پارتی گەلی دیموكراتی كوردستان، ژماره‌ ١٨، ساڵی حه‌وته‌م، تشرینی دووه‌می ١٩٨٩ز، ل ٥.

  23. كۆنگره‌ی چواره‌می یەكێتی ماموستایانی كوردستانی / عێراق، گۆڤاری ده‌نگی مامۆستا، ئۆرگانی یه‌كێتی مامۆستایانی كوردستان ـ لقی سلێمانی، ژماره‌ ٨، ساڵی دووه‌م، سلێمانی، چاپخانه‌ی ڕاپه‌ڕین، شوباتی ١٩٧٣ز، ل ل ٥٥ ـ ٥٦.

  24. محه‌مه‌د عه‌لی ئیسماعیل، بیره‌وه‌رییه‌كانم حه‌فتا ساڵ ته‌مه‌ن و زیاتر له‌ نیو سه‌ده‌ خه‌بات، (بێ شوێن ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٢٦٣ ـ ٢٦٤، ٣٧٢.

  25. مه‌لا فاروق شوانی، هه‌موو كورد، به‌رگی یه‌كه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆشنبیری ـ ١٩٩٧ز)، ل ١١٢.

  26. المؤتمر الرابع لنقابة معلمي كردستان یحي المناضل البارزاني، جریدة التآخي، العدد ٩٥٣، بغداد، مطبعة التایمس، السبت، ٥ شباط ١٩٧٢م، ص ٤.

  27. نتائج انتخابات المؤتمر الرابع لاتحاد معلمي كردستان، جریدة التآخي، العدد ٩٥٣، بغداد، مطبعة التایمس، السبت، ٥ شباط ١٩٧٢م، ص ٤.

  28. نتائج ایجابیة لزیارة وفد حزبنا الی طهران، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٦٤، أربیل، الجمعة، ١٨ شباط ٢٠٠٠م، ص ص ١، ١٥.

  29. نیچیرڤان البارزاني یصل طهران علی رأس وفد رفیع المستوی من حزبنا، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٩٨٧، أربیل، الجمعة، ٤ آب ٢٠٠٠م، ص ١.

  30. وشیار حه‌مه‌د حاجی، یه‌كێتی مامۆستایانی كوردستان چه‌ند لایه‌نێكی مێژووی سه‌رهه‌ڵدان و تێكۆشان ١٩٦٢ ـ ١٩٩٨، (هەولێر ـ مه‌كته‌بی سكرتاریه‌تی (ی.م.ك) ـ چاپخانه‌ی وه‌زاره‌تی په‌روه‌رده‌ ـ ١٩٩٨ز)، ل ل ٥٨، ٦٥، ٨٤، ٨٩، ٩٦، ١١٧.

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