Ibrahim Muhammed Sulaiman Ahmed

Martyr Ibrahim Muhammed Sulaiman, a Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution, was arrested by a Jash leader in 1984 and was arrested and after seven months in prison in Abu Ghraib prison he was executed.

Ibrahim Muhammed Sulaiman was born in 1963 in the village of Wlesmti, in the base of The Suren Mountain in Saidsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah governorate; initially he was a villager and studied in the early stages of the primary school in the village. After the fail of September revolution, the Iraqi regime at that time destroyed the villages of that area and forced its people to be divided into several camps under its control, so Ibrahim Muhammed was a resident of Shanery camp near Saidsadiq.

In 1981, he became a Peshmerga by Anwar Haji Osman, who belonged to the Suren force of the Darbandikahn District Committee of the Fourth Branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, he participated in the Razla and Parazan battles, battle of Balkha, Partizan activities of Sharazur plains, battle of Nalparez and battle of Kawloz.

In July 1983, with a group of his comrades under the command of Anwar Haji Osman, after conducting a partisan activity in the Sharazur plain, the Peshmerga dispersed over the houses of the Shaneri camp for several days to normalize the situation, but Ibrahim Muhammad Sulaiman was arrested by a Jash leader and he was handed over to the security of Saidsadiq, then he was transferred to the board of Kirkuk city and seven months later he was sent to Abu Ghraib prison and executed in February 1984 and he was martyred.


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