Haji Qadu Gravi

In 1928, he was born in a Kurdish patriotic family in the shahidan valley (Khanukay) on the border of Iraq and Turkey.


The martyr commander Abdul-Kadir Hassan known as Haji Qadu Gravi came to the world in 1928 from a patriotic Kurdish family in the shahidan valley (kanukay) on the border of Iraq and Turkey.

Memoir of Struggle 

In 1958, he contacted the secret organization of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Zakho city with Sayd Salih Yusufi, in 1961 at the beginning of the Great September Revolution in 1961he met the legendary Barzani when he reched Zakho area. In 1978 on Legendary Barzani’s command he becomes a platoon commander of 150 men in Zakho force.

In 1972, he became the deputy of the third battalion of Zakho forces, and in 1974 he became the commander of the fourth battalion of Zakho force until the failure of the Great September Revolution, Martyr Haji Qado did many party works in the region, and in the Kurdistan of Syria and Turkey. He helped Peshmerga such as bringing peshmerga clothes and many other needs throughout the September revolution.

In the border of the first army, he used to help Peshmerga on his own account, the martyr commander throughout his life participated in many battles such as he had an important role in the capture of Ain Zala, the battle of Matin، the battle of the Kuret Gabbana, The battle of Siarou spindara, the battle of Dze, the battle of the stream of Zakhofor many times, the battle of Ibrahim Khalil, the great battle of The Amer Agha in 1974, and he was the head of Zakho forces in that battle, and the leader of defeating the enemy's attack in the village of Hirror In 1977, and the Great War of Belmir in the Barwar Bala area in 1977.

After the collapse of the revolution in 1975, the immortal martyr becomes a refugee in Iran and he does not surrender to the enemy. After many months, he wants to return to the region for rescuing his family from the enemy and if he was successful in doing this he would take his family to Iran, but he arrives in Sero village on the border of Turkey and Iran, and was arrested by the Shah’s regime, and turn him with his family over to Iraq, and he remains captive in Erbil and Duhok for two months, later he was released. The martyr was forced to go to the Turkey border and join the ranks of Gulan revolution because of his Kurdish patriotic feelings, in 1976 and plays an important role in the Gulan revolution and establishes a very important headquarters in Iraqi Kurdistan in the village of Gofke and becomes a leader of The Gulan Revolution until he was martyred in the battle of Balembir on 24 May 1977.


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