Ali Hazhar

Lawyer Ali Abdullah Ali joined the ranks of the Peshmerga forces in 1962. In 1970, he was elected as a reserve member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). He was executed on November 24, 1983, in Kirkuk prison.

Lawyer Ali Abdullah Ali joined the ranks of the Peshmerga forces in 1962. In 1970, he was elected as a reserve member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). He was executed on November 24, 1983, in Kirkuk prison.


Ali Abdullah Ali, also known as Alu Kurash and Ali Hazhar, was born in 1942 in Erbil. He completed his primary and secondary education in the same city. In 1957, he was admitted to the Erbil Primary Teachers College and graduated in 1962. Moreover, he was a member of the Erbil Teachers' Union. Additionally, he was the founder of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. In 1962 he was a delegate to the first congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. He also became the head of the Erbil branch of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. In 1962 he was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Dangi Mamosta and the magazine Rezna.

In 1975, after the collapse of the September Revolution, he first moved to the Kingdom of Iran. In mid-April 1975, he participated in a large meeting in Urmia in order to continue the struggle and resistance. However, he soon returned to Southern Kurdistan, and he was exiled to Samawa. In 1979, he received a bachelor's degree in law from Mustansiriyah University in Baghdad. Also, He was fluent in Kurdish, Arabic and English.

In 1983, he was arrested by the intelligence agency of Saddam Hussein's regime (1937-2006) for his links to the Kurdistan Socialist Party. He was tortured horribly after his arrest.  He was executed in Kirkuk prison on November 24, 1983, and his body was disposed of in an unknown location by the authorities. on Saturday, April 9, 1994, the Erbil Branch Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) organized a funeral for him. 

Service record

In 1957 he joined the Kurdistan Students Union. Moreover, in 1958 he represented the Kurdistan Students Union in Erbil, and he welcomed President Mustafa Barzani (1903-1979). He joined the Peshmerga forces in 1962. Also, in 1963, he became a member of the Erbil Regional Committee of the Second Branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). In 1964, he served as a delegate to the 6th Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Also, in 1964, he was a member of the 12-member negotiating delegation of the sixth Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) that went to the Political Bureau wing with the consent of President Mustafa Barzani to participate in the sixth Congress, however, because of the political absence of the delegation did not succeed in its mission.

In December 1965, he was a member of the committee of Pitak to collect letters from the rich in Erbil for the Peshmerga forces of the September Revolution in Erbil. On February 10, 1965, he was appointed as the head of the Erbil Regional Committee Assistant for Ismail Aziz Mustafa, known as Sheikh Aziz Mullah Aziz, head of the second branch committee for the protest in the Erbil Bazar. The protest ended successfully in Erbil to put pressure on the Iraqi government, which was to cancel the implementation of the June 1966 agreement.

In 1965, he was appointed as the head of the Balaki Regional Committee of the second branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Moreover, in February 1966, he was a delegate to the second Congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union. He was appointed a member of the Preparatory Committee of the Seventh Congress In 1966. Additionally, in 1967, he was appointed as the head of the Erbil Plain Farmers Area Committee of the Second Branch Committee. In 1968 he was on the editorial board of Safin magazine. In 1968 he participated in the battles of Bestana and Kani Bzra in Erbil province. Then in 1970, he was a member of the Erbil branch of the Kurdish Writers Union. Moreover, He was appointed as a reserve member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party Kurdistan (Eighth Congress) was elected.


On August 5, 1970, he was a delegate to the third congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union in Nawprdan village of Erbil province. On September 21, 1970, he was a delegate to the first congress of the Kurdistan Islamic Religious Scholars Union in Ghala village in Erbil province.  He was a member of the founding committee of the Erbil branch of the Kurdish Writers. On May 1, 1971, he delivered a speech on the occasion of the International Workers' Day. In 1971 he participated in the 25th anniversary of Kurdistan Democratic Party as a representative of the second branch committee. On February 2, 1972, he was a delegate to the fourth congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union in Erbil. On Saturday, February 5, 1972, he delivered a speech at the special congress of the second branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. On Thursday, February 10, 1972, he was elected to the executive committee of the first congress of the Erbil branch of the Kurdish Intellectual Association Responsibility of Mohammed Qadir Ahmad (1934 - 2019) known as Mohammed Mullah Qadir. In 1973, he became the executive committee of the third branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Moreover, on February 1, 1974, he was a delegate to the congress of the Kurdistan Teachers Union in Sulaimani.

In 1974, he was a teacher of the program and internal rules of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and its congresses in the sixth round of the KDP cadre training school in Zinwei Sheikh village of Erbil province. 

He did not agree with joining the ranks of the Kurdistan National Union in 6. Moreover, he was one of the founders of the Kurdistan Socialist Movement. On February 14, 1978, The Iraqi Revolutionary Leadership Council (IRLC) quashes the confiscation of movable and immovable property. 

On May 23, 1978, he met with Karim Hessami, a member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), in Baghdad in order to cooperate and work together. In 1978, he fought against the forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) leadership. He encouraged his comrades to separate from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

On March 21, 1979, the PUK radio station described him as a struggler on his first day of work, thus alerting the Iraqi security agencies. On April 21, 1979, he was arrested in Erbil and was tortured. In 1981, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee by the Congress delegates of The Kurdistan Socialist Party (Dolatu Unification Conference). 


  1. ئـەرشیفی دەستەی ئینسکلۆپیدیای پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان.

  2. شوان محه‌مه‌دئه‌مین ته‌ها خۆشناو، هه‌ولێر له‌ نێوان ساڵانی ١٩٦٣ ـ  ١٩٧٠ لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌یه‌كی مێژووییه‌ له‌ بارودۆخی سیاسی، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی زانكۆی سه‌ڵاحه‌ددین ـ ٢٠١٦ز)، ل ل ١٥٧، ١٧١، ١٨٦، ٢٠٢، ٢٥٦.

  3. ئیسماعیل ته‌نیا، حزبی سۆسیالیستی كوردستان هه‌ڵكشان.. داكشان .. په‌رته‌وازه‌بوون، (هه‌ولێر ـ  چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ل ٢٣ ـ ٢٤، ٢٧ ـ ٢٨، ٣٠، ٣٤، ٤١، ٤٥، ٧٧، ٧٩ ـ ٨٠، ٨٣ ـ ٨٦، ٣١٤ ـ ٣١٥،

  4. حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خه‌بات ـ ١٩٩٨م)، ص ٩١.

  5. خورشید شێره‌، خه‌بات و خوێن بیره‌وه‌رییه‌كانی ساڵانی خه‌باتی پێشمه‌رگایه‌تی، (هه‌ولێرـ چاپخانه‌ی حاجی هاشم ـ ٢٠١٥ز)، ل ٢٠٨.

  6. ئه‌حمه‌د شه‌ریف له‌ك، شرۆڤه‌ی ڕووداوه‌ مێژووییه‌كان، به‌رگی دووه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ٢١٢.

  7. دیرۆكی خوله‌كانی كادیرانی پارتی، له‌ شاخه‌وه‌ بۆ شار، (هه‌ولێر ـ سه‌نته‌ری دیراسات و تویژینه‌وه ‌و ئه‌كادیمیای پارتی ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵات ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ٥٤.

  8. زوزان صالح الیوسفي، خواطر من ذاكرتي، (تركیا ـ مطبعة Kalkan ـ ٢٠١٨م)، ص ص ٤٩٤ ـ ٤٩٥، ٥٧٦.

  9. سه‌عید ناكام، بیره‌وه‌رییه‌كانی سه‌عید ناكام، (هه‌ولێر ـ بڵاوكراوه‌ی ئاراس ـ چاپخانه‌ی وه‌زاره‌تی په‌روه‌رده ‌ـ ٢٠٠٣ز)، ل ٢٣٥. 

  10. سه‌لام عه‌بدولكه‌ریم، ژیانی سیاسیی له‌ باشووری كوردستان ١٩٧٥ ـ ١٩٩١، (سلێمانی ـ چاپ و بڵاوكردنه‌وه‌ی چوارچرا ـ ٢٠١١ز)، ل ل  ٤٣، ١١٢. 

  11. علي سنجاري، حقیقة مسیرة ثورة ١١ أیلول ١٩٦١، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خاني ـ ٢٠١٣م)، ص ٢٩٢.

  12. قرار مجلس قیاده‌ الثورة رقم ٢١٧، جریدة الوقائع العراقیة، وزارة العدل، العدد ٢٦٤١، السنة العشرون، بغداد، الأثنین، ٦ آذار ١٩٧٨م، ص ٥.

  13. لقی دوو، لقی دوو له‌ نیوسه‌ده‌ی تێكۆشاندا، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ئاراس ـ ٢٠١٠ز)، ل ٤٠.

  14. محه‌مه‌د عه‌لی ئیسماعیل، بیره‌وه‌رییه‌كانم حه‌فتا ساڵ ته‌مه‌ن و زیاتر له‌ نیو سه‌ده‌ خه‌بات، (بێ شوێن ـ ٢٠١٩ز)، ل ٨٤.

  15. محه‌مه‌د مه‌لا قادر، سه‌ربورده‌ی نه‌مران، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی حاجی هاشم ـ ٢٠١٤ز)، ل ل ٢٦ ـ ٢٨، ٢٠٣. 

  16. مسعود البارزاني، البارزاني والحركة التحرریة الكردیة، المجلد الثالث، (أربیل ـ مطبعة وزارة التربیة ـ ٢٠٠٢م)، ص ٢٥٣. 

  17. مه‌لا فاروق شوانی، هه‌موو كورد، به‌رگی یه‌كه‌م، (هه‌ولێر ـ چاپخانه‌ی ڕۆشنبیری ـ ١٩٩٧ز)، ل ١١٧.


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