Omar Aziz Osman Wahab

The martyr, Omar Aziz Osman Wahab was a Peshmerga of the Gulan Revolution. He received the rank of sergeant in his Peshmerga life. In 1979, he and three of his comrades were ambushed by the Jalalis, fighters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Iran and were martyred and mutilated.

 The martyr, Omar Aziz Osman Wahab was born in 1951 in Tewela village of Biaray district of Hawraman region. He worked as a gardener and a weaver. He completed secondary school.

In 1977, he became a Peshmerga in the Hawraman forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). In 1978, he received the rank of sergeant and he was transferred to the Nasraddin Hawrami Battalion, which was part of the Hawraman Force.

In 1979, he and three of his comrades were ambushed by the PUK fighters near Darband Dzli in Iran, and he and the other three Peshmergas were martyred. After martyring them, they distorted their bodies with knives and drowned them in the water of Dzli. After several days of searching, their bodies were found by their comrades and buried in Dezli.


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