Naif Musa Bolsali

In 1978, Naif Musa Bosali, the peshmerga of the Gulan revolution, entered the ranks of the secret organizations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and became the cadre of the secret hazel organization, and then became the head of the Organization of September

in 1981, he joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Revolutionary Forces and becomes a peshmarga in the vicinity of zakho committee and martyred in 1998.


The martyr Commander Naif Musa Bosali born in 1962 in the village of Bosal in Zakho region,he completed his primary education in the village of Bosal, and completed his secondary education in the Bersavi community, to continue his education he went to Zakho city and completed his education in the Zakho vocational school, in 1981-1982, he became the top student in Duhok governorate, in 1988 the brave With his family got displaced to Turkey and he becomes akinci in Diyarbaker camp, after the uprising of 1991, he returned to the national land, on June 5, 1998,he was martyred in the Mountains of Gabnerke in the Kani Masi area. It is mentioned that martyr Naif Bosali was a brave Peshmerga and commander was also a successful poet and journalist, he had an active role in all the national occasions and memories, He also published a poem called (The refugees’ issues) in 1998.

Memoir of Struggle 

In 1978، the martyr commander Naif Musa Bosali entered the secret organizations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and became the cadre of the Secret Hazel Organization and then became the head of September organization. In 1981, he joins the ranks of the Kurdistan Revolutionary Army and becomes a peshmarga in the vicinity of Zakho committee and in the same year he was transferred to the first branch in the three months he becomes a successful cadre of the first branch, then he was transferred to The party's political bureau in Rajan as an administrative department cadre, in 1982-1983 he was once again transferred to the first branch.

In 1984, he became a member of (L,E,Q,L,D) the Zakho District Committee, then in 1985 he became the head of the Zawita Customs, then became the head of the Havtanine customs, after a while, he became a cadre of the military organization, and in 1986 he was transferred to the Ain Zala Military Organization.

At the time of the 1991 uprising, Martyr Naif Musa with his fellow Peshmerga comrades played a holy and effective role, and after the uprising, he becomes an active party cadre in the Zakho district, during which he will be given many positions of responsibility within the vicinity of Zakho, Darkar, and Khabat committees.

He played an active role in establishing legitimate governmental and security institutions in Zakho, during the establishment of Zakho security directorate he becomes an officer in Zakho security directorate and then deputy director of Zakho security until 1995, and in 1996 he became the deputy head of the military committee in Zakho.

In 1997, he became the commander of the Khabur partisan battalion in Zakho, then he became the commander of the battalion one of the 14th army in Zakho, the martyr in 1997 participated in the army course in Zakho's college of military and in the course he becomes the top among all the commanders participating in the course, martyr Naif Bosley who played a major role in the movement and military activities, on June 15, 1998, at Gabnerke Mountain In the Kani Masi area in the midst of a heavy battle, the commander fights the terrorists, and martyred in this battle.


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