Mehu Gawda

Muhammed Abu-Zeid Isa Abu-Zeid Known as (Mehu Gawda) a peshmarga of the September and Gulan revolutions, contacted the Peshmerga forces in 1964 and was executed in 1989


Martyr Muhammed Abu-Zeid Isa Abu-Zeid known as Mehu Gawda was born in 1950 in the village of Garinuk in the Guli area in a Kurdish Patriotic Family. In 1988, he was displaced to Turkey with his family and relatives. In 1989, he was handed over to the Ba'ath regime and then transferred to Baghdad and executed at the same year.

Memoir of Struggle 

Muhammed Abu-Zeid Issa Abu-Zeid contacted the Peshmerga of Farris Kuramaraki force in 1964, and in 1969 he tried to take his family into the ranks of revolution, but he was arrested by the regime forces until the declaration of March 11, 1970, then he was released and continues his struggle until the failiure of 1975, after 18 days from the failiure with some Peshmerga, they carried out 4 activities against the enemy like of the killing of a regime soldier in the village of Kashan and also set an ambush in the main street between Zakho and Batifa near the village Busal and in this case, a military vehicle of (IVA) type was destroyed and 4 soldiers were killed, and on the road of Darkar of Shiyay they were able to arrest an officer and three policemen.

At the beginning of the Gulan Revolution, he became chief of contingent after the military organization was established in the 1979-1980s, and was the head of the Martyr (Mahmoud Yusuf) Organization and the regime forces had set up plans to destroy him for many times. In 1985, with some Peshmergas in the village of Derishk and Avhe in the Gulian area, they got into an ambush of the forces of the regime and three Jash were killed in this ambush and Six others were injured, and a Peshmerga named Sidqi Avdal was martyred and martyr Mehu Gawda with his son named Hikmet got injured.

In 1987, he became the Commander of the offense force , and he participated in more than 100 activities and epic battles, and he supervised most of the activities including deflecting of the regime's attack on the area of Leve famous as the attack of Armeshte, the epic battle of the Zambil Frosh (Bascket Seller), the epic battle of Sharanshe 3 times, the epic battle of Omer Agha, and also in the front of Omer Omer he was rewarded by Idris Barzani for Killing an officer holding the rank of the lieutenant. In 1988, with his family and relatives, they were displaced to Turkey in order to go from Turkey to Iran, but with a state plan for a large sum of money in 1989, they were handed over to the Ba'ath regime and then transferred to Baghdad and after a few days the decision of his execution was taken and in an unknown date in 1989 he was executed.


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