Kurdistan Democratic Party Ninth Congress

The ninth Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Kurdistan Democratic Party of Kurdistan- Iraq- November, 10, 1979) was held after the last meeting of President Mustafa Barzani in the refugee camp of Zewa city in eastern Kurdistan..

The situation and the causes 

In 1979، after the Iranian people uprising، the monarchy collapsed in this country and it was replaced with the Islamic Republic، and the leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party was able to establish a good relationship with the new Iranian power. The other major incident was the passing away of President Mustafa Barzani in early 1979 and then the retrival of his body to the City of Shno in eastern Kurdistan on March 4th of the same year.

The situation of regional changes in general and the passing away of President Mustafa Barzani that happened to the Party's reorganization required a party congress. For this purpose، the interim leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in early July 1979 organized a large gathering in the village of Shawan in the town of Shno in eastern Kurdistan. At the meeting، several important decisions were made، the most important of which was the election of Masoud Barzani as the temporary president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party، until holding the ninth congress, making haste to hold the Congress in 1979، and to establish a preparatory committee for the congress.

The Congress

After being authorized by the meeting of Shawan، the Preparatory Committee of the Congress began the preparations، beside this committee، some other preparatory committees were created by the branches، which consisted of their own members. Within three months، the preparations were complete the candidates of the congress were successful to be elected to the Congress. The ninth Congress of the Kurdistan Democratic Party was held with the slogan “Kurdistan or Disappearance – Progressive Coalition Democratic Rule in Iraq and Genuine Autonomy for Kurdistan,” on November 10-14، 1979، with the presence of 325 delegates، first in darband village and then in the camp of the southern Kurdistan refugees in the west of Urmia city, eastern Kurdistan. The congress began by reading a report of President Masoud Barzani، and then the speeches of the Iraqi Communist Party and other parties present in the congress were read.

Since the beginning of the congress, a part of the members of the interim leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, under the supervision of Sami Abdul-Rahman، withdrew from the congress after some of their requests were not met. One of the demands was that the members of the interim leadership’s names should not be put to vote and to directly become members of the Central Committee، but this proposal was rejected by the Congress and led to a split a part of the members of the interim leadership. Later, these peope established Democratic Party of Kurdistan People.

Leaving the congress by a part of the members of the interim leadership did not disturb the congress and the members of the Congress continued the work of the Congress. President Masoud Barzani was elected as the president of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan by a consensus of the votes and then by the members of the Congress the members of the new central committee of the Party were selected, which consisted of:

1- Ali Abdullah 

2- Idris Barzani 

3- Nuri Shaways 

4- Fazil Mirani 

5- Falak-al-din Kakayi 

6- Rashid Arif 

7- Muhammad Mala Qadir 

8- Khurshid Selim Shera 

9- Dr. Jarjis Hassan 

10- Dr. Rozh Nuri Shaways 

11- Abdullah Barwari 

12- Liutenant Ali 

13-Liutenant Yunis Rozhbayani 

14- Liutenant Hajar Sindi 

15- Hamid Barwari 

16- Dr. Muhammad Salih Jumaa 

17- Azad Barwari 

18- Najim-al-din Yousefi 

19- Hoshiyar Zebari

20- Dr. Muhammad Saeed Doski 

21- Dr. Saeed Barzani


The reserve members of the central committee were consisted of: 1- Franso Hariri. 

2- Hamid Afandi 

3- Nadir Hawrami 

4- Azad Qaradaghi 

5- Dr. Kamal Kirkuki

Congress gave the authority to the central committee to create an investigation committee to investigate the complaints and to determine the position of the secretary and the members of the political bureau and the central committee that left the party.

After the end of the congress, the first regular meeting of the central committee was held under the supervision of President Masoud Barzani in the Camp of refugees of Zewa, which lasted three days and the political bureau of the Party was formed who were: Ali Abdullah - Secretary, Idris Barzani, Fazil Mirani, Falak-al-din Kakayi, Dr. Muhammad Salih Jumaa, Rais Abdullah Barwari and Nouri Shaways.

One of the decisions of the congress was the expulsion of members of the former central committee from the Party, who left the Party, except Salih Yousefi, who returned to Iraq with the consent of President Mustafa Barzani.

Sources :


• محه‌مه‌د مه‌لا قادر، خه‌باتنامه‌، كورته‌ مێژووی پارتی و بارزانی نه‌مر، چاپی سێیه‌م، (هه‌ولێر- چاپخانه‌ی ئاراس- ٢٠١٢).

• مێژووی پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، كۆنگره‌ و كۆنفرانس (پرۆگرام و په‌یڕه‌وی ناوخۆ)، ده‌سته‌ی ئینسكلۆپیدیای پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان، به‌رگی یه‌كه‌م، (هه‌ولێر- چاپخانه‌ی رۆكسانا- ٢٠٢١).

• صلاح الخرسان، التیارات السیاسیة في كردستان العراق، قراءة في ملفات الحركات و الأحزاب الكردیة في العراق ١٩٤٦-٢٠٠١، (بیروت – مطبعة البلاغ – ٢٠٠١م).

• حبیب محمد كریم، تأریخ الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني ـ العراق (في محطات رئیسیة) ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٩٣، (دهوك ـ مطبعة خه‌بات ـ ١٩٩٨م).

• موحسین دزه‌یی، وێستگه‌كانی ژیانم، به‌شی سێیه‌م و كۆتایی، (هه‌ولێر - چاپخانه‌ی موكوریانی - ٢٠١٥).

• روزنامه‌ کیهان، شماره ١٠٧٥١، تهران، ١٦ تیرماه ١٣٥٨ ھ .ش ـ ٧ تموز ١٩٧٩م.

• روزنامه‌ بامداد، شماره ٥٣، تهران، ١٧ تیرماه ١٣٥٨ھ . ش ـ ٨ تموز ١٩٧٩م.

• راپۆرتی سیاسی و عەسكەری و تەنزیمی سەرۆكی پارتی هەڤال مەسعوود بارزانی بۆ كۆنگرەی نۆیەمی پارتیمان، پارتی دیموكراتی كوردستان بەستراو لە ماوەی (٤-١١ تشرینی دووەم١٩٧٩).

• أعضاء اللجنة المركزیة والمكتب السیاسي في المؤتمر التاسع ١٩٧٩، جریدة خه‌بات، لسان حال الحزب الدیمقراطي الكوردستاني، العدد ٧٩٤، أربیل، الأثنین، ١٢ أب ١٩٩٦م.

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