Jamal Qadir Amin Mohammed

Martyr Jamal Qadir Amin, an employee of the Iraqi government, was a Peshmerga fighter who played a significant role in the September Revolution. Throughout his Peshmerga live, he displayed exceptional bravery and dedication, enduring injuries on two separate occasions. As evidence to his exceptional abilities, he was promoted to the esteemed rank of chief. Tragically, he met his martyrdom in 1974 during a military confrontation with the Iraqi regime near Arbat.

Jamal Qadir Amin, also known as Sheikh Jamal Chawtan, born in 1942 in Chutani village of Nalparez district hailed from a humble background. He received his primary education and religious teachings in Nalparez and Penjwen. Professionally, he served as a transportation employee in Arbat district. Sheikh Jamali Chawtan was married to Nafia Qadir and was blessed with one son, Massoud, and three daughters named Samira, Munira, and Kalsum.

In 1962, he joined the Sharif Haji Mullah branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) struggle battalion, actively participating in various battles including the Dastan of Zalm Bridge, Penjwen Battle, Walasmt and Qalbaza Battle, Kani Bozay Tazede Battle, Dola Sur Battle, Nalparez Battle, Kalwaz Bridge Battle, Said Sadiq Battle, Darbandikhan Battle,  Ahmadawa Battle, Kani Sef Battle, Khurmal Battle, and Mount Shinroe. In 1963, he was injured during the battles of Walsmat and Qalbaza and the battle of Dulasur in 1967.


His unwavering commitment and exceptional skills led to his promotion to the rank of sergeant in 1964. Subsequently, in 1968, he assumed leadership of the military wing of the Sharif branch of Haji Mullah. Recognizing his capabilities, he was further promoted to the rank of commander of the 7th Battalion of the Border Guard in 1970. Finally, in 1974, he attained the prestigious position of the second branch commander of the Bamo Battalion of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

On June 4, 1974, Sheikh Jamal Chawtan and a group of his comrades were stationed on the road between Sulaimani and Arbat. They strategically ambushed a military convoy of the Iraqi regime, which had intentions of attacking the Darbandikhan district. Unfortunately, Sheikh Jamal Chawtan, along with several of his comrades, including Kamal Hawari, Ali Mazali, and Fatah Sur, lost their lives during the ensuing confrontations.


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