Ali Halo Ali

He was born in the year 1920 in Busal village of the Darkar area of Sndy area of Zakho area and was martyred in 1968.


The martyr Commander Ali Hallo Ali Muhammed known as Ali Hallo came to the world in the 1920s in the village of Bosal of the Darkar area of Sndy area of Zakho area. When he was seven he completed studying holy Quran in his village’s mosque. 

Memoir of struggle 

At the beginning of the establishment of the Kurdish Democratic Party organizations in Zakho area, Ali Hallo joined the Party organizations and become an active member of the Party. After the return of Barzani from the Soviet Union, he leaves the Ranks of the Iraqi Army as a lieutenant. In 1958, during Barzani's return from the former Soviet Union, Ali Hallo with the leadership of a delegate went to Baghdad to welcome the legendary Mustafa Barzani, In 1961, in the beginning of the Great September Revolution, Ali Hallo, with a number of brave Peshmergas, his family and the people of the area had joined the revolution and became a Peshmerga and played a great role and participated in most of the epic battles.

In 1961, Ali Hallo was one of the commanders who participated in the liberation of Zakho city, where he became a member of the Revolution’s internal movement. In the autumn of 1961, when Barzani went to Bahdinan area, Ali Hallo with the Peshmerga and his comrades went to the reception of honorable Barzani, when Barzani sees how experienced Ali Hallo is, He was awarded the rank of the head of the revolution.

In 1962, Ali Hallo became the commander of Battalion one of Zakho's force, he plays a highly important role, he along with his peshmargas recorded many victories of great epic battles, including the epic battle of the Zakho stream, the epic battle of Ain Zala, the epic battle of Batifa, the epic battle of the Spee Mountain, the epic battle of Kamaka and Mangeshke, the epic battle of Beshebair station and many other epic battles, in 1963 Ali Hallo was one of the commanders who participated in the epic battle of Mount Matin and scored a great victory for the revolution. Ali Hallo plays an important role from Zakho to Erbil plains and Sulaymaniyah and he was severly injured twice. In 1964, the government of that time tried to assassinate Ali Hallo they threw a grenade through a pipe to his house. As a result, his wife and his son who were 10 years old were martyred, and Ali Hallo was seriously injured and he lost one of his eyes and his children were injured.

In 1966, due to his expertise in the fields of military, administration, and society, Ali Hallo became a member of the Revolutionary leadership, and on September 23, 1968, he was martyred on the road between Batifa and Zakho mysteriously.


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