Abdulkhaliq Malahasan Spindari

Abdulkhaliq Malahasan, Spindari-Barwari, was the first martyr of The Kurdistan Students, he was one of the founders of the Kurdistan Students Union. In 1960, he was the head of Duhok students. In 1963, he joined the ranks of The Faris Kuramarki Battalion, because of his intelligence, he became the deputy of The Battalion, and he was martyred in the Battle of Sangasar on 29-10-1966.


Martyr Abdulkhaliq Malahasan, Spindari-barwari, was born in 1940 in the village of Spindar of Chamanke area of Barwar district. In his early youth life he was a smart and active student. On October 29, 1966, he was martyred in the Battle of Sangasar and was buried in the Shahidan valley in the Sangasar area.

Memoir of Struggle 

He was one of the founders of the Kurdistan Students Union, in 1960 martyr Abdulkhaliq Malahasan Spindari was the head of Duhok students, one of the martyr's activities was he started organizing the students, and promoted the revolution in all the levels of culture, voices and discussions among the students, because of his desire for the revolution, he left school and joined the ranks of the brave Peshmergas.

In 1963, he joined the ranks of the Faris Kurmaki battalion, because of his intelligence, he becomes the deputy of battalion, because of his bravery, Mala Mustafa Barzani cares about him, and makes him one of his favorites, he participated in many batlles including the battle of Duhok stream, the Battle of Lumana, the Battle of Amedi،Bare Kar the Battle of Zuzk, the Battle of Handren, the great Battle of Amr Agha and many other battles. On October 29, 1966, he was martyred in the battle of Sangasar, and was buried in sangasar, his grave is in the Shahidan Valley in Sangasar.


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